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What Beloved Child Stars Look Like Today


Ben Savage Danielle FishelCory and Topanga. Zack Morris and Kelly Kapowski. Steve Urkel.

These are just some of the famous TV character names seared into our brains as if the actors who played them are still frozen at the moment in time in which their shows aired.

From "Little Miss Sunshine" Abigail Breslin to Mayim Bialik, many child stars of the past have, well, "Blossom"-ed into working adult actors.

But not all have had as happy of an ending.

Amanda Bynes was recently reported to have been evicted from her New York apartment building. Macaulay Culkin shocked fans with his gaunt frame.

Oliwia Dabrowska, the red coat girl from "Schindler's List," recently emerged to say the violent film devastated her as a child. Now she's studying to be a librarian.

See where child stars — from the '80s and on — are today.

Alexa Vega is well-known for her role in the 2001 film "Spy Kids."

The 24-year-old unveiled a more grown-up look on the set of "Machete Kills" last year.

Abigail Breslin's breakout role was as Mel Gibson's daughter in "Signs" before she received an Oscar nomination for "Little Miss Sunshine" at age 10.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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REVEALED: How Much Netflix Is Spending To Make Shows Like 'House Of Cards' (NFLX)


netflix reed hastings

Netflix is not doing its original programming on the cheap.

Speaking at an event at UCLA, CAA agent Peter Micelli said, "The cheapest show is $3.8 million an episode ... 'House of Cards' started at $4.5 million and (executive producer David) Fincher took it way above that."

Variety's Andrew Wallenstein reported Micelli's quotes.

Wallenstein had more quotes from Micelli regarding how much Netflix is spending: "The next series is ‘Hemlock Grove’ and they’re doing that for about $4 million an episode ... ‘Orange is the New Black’ is just under $4 million as well. They’re huge budgets shows, doing things in a huge way."

The average broadcast show rarely goes over $4 million an episode, says Wallenstein.

Micelli also suggested that things are looking very good for TV show makers right now. In addition to Netflix, Microsoft and Amazon are producing shows. Verizon and Redbox are looking at doing the same. Networks like USA and TNT are also likely going to order up new programs instead of spending money on syndicated repeats.

Read the full story at Variety >

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Everyone At SXSW Is Obsessed With This Computer-Generated Booth Babe


Computer generated booth babe

Earlier, we published a bunch of pictures of computer-generated women.

If you haven't seen them yet, you're going to want to. They're quite striking.

After looking at these computer-generated women, you won't have to think to hard to have a sense of where the porn-fantasy world is heading.

As soon as we published these pictures, moreover, folks at the South By Southwest conference in Austin, Texas, began comparing those women to the woman below.

The woman below, apparently, is a computer-generated booth babe.

This demonstration will presumably add to your sense of where the fantasy (and booth babe) industries are headed.

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Acting Dog Gets Canned For Disobedience



A corgi has been sacked from the West End play The Audience for refusing to obey the command of Dame Helen Mirren, playing the Queen.

It is the hit West End show that is delighting critics and the public alike.

But behind the scenes of The Audience, which stars Dame Helen Mirren as the Queen, it has not all been running as smoothly as it appears on stage, with producers forced to sack one of the cast just days before opening night.

Lizzy, an appropriately regally-named corgi, had to go because of its refusal to obey the commands of its co-star, Dame Helen.

The play is a fictionalised account of the Queen’s relationships with her prime ministers over her 61-year reign and Lizzy featured in a scene, set at Balmoral, in which Harold Wilson visits.

The seven-year-old animal had been happy to enter stage right on a lead at the start of its scene and then to be escorted off stage left. However, at the end of the scene, Lizzy was supposed to run back across the stage – this time without a lead – when called by Dame Helen.

Instead it stayed in the wings and refused to go on, leaving its corgi co-star Rocky, five, to end the scene on its own. Despite the best efforts of cast and crew, it happened on 16 consecutive preview performance nights.

So, 10 days ago, faced with the looming prospect of press night, the decision was taken to sack Lizzy.

Its place was taken by Coco, who made a faultless West End debut in the Saturday matinee after just 20 minutes of rehearsal.

Stephen Daldry, the play’s director, said Lizzy’s first three performances had gone smoothly, before the run of refusals.

“She was excited the first three times, and then I think she decided she didn’t want to be an actress any more. She decided to retire from the British stage.

“Now she’s back home, a resting actress, resting by the fire.”

Des Jordan, 42, of Animal Actors, the agency which provided the dogs, suggested the production had been hit by a notorious problem in theatre – an ageing diva who grew jealous of the younger co-star.

He explained that as the dogs ran offstage, he would be waiting in the wings with a handful of treats for them to eat.

“Because Lizzy was older, she was not as fast as Rocky, so he was first to the treats,” he said. “There may have been a bit of jealousy involved.”

Mr Jordan said that Coco had exhibited no diva tendencies thus far, possibly because the five-year-old was the same age as Rocky.

The corgis, he added, stayed at his home off-duty, enjoying regular walks in the park.

At the Gielgud Theatre, London, they have their own air-conditioned dressing room, with dog beds and an ever-changing rider of doggy toys so they never get bored.

Mr Jordan adds: “I look after them better than my own children. I have to.

“They are doing an important job and no one would be happy if anything happened to them.”

Lizzy is in Gloucestershire with Mary Davey, who owns all three of the dogs. She said: “Lizzy is a lovely, friendly dog who is now enjoying her treats.”

Daldry, who has also directed the Oscar- nominated films Billy Elliot and The Hours, added: “People seem to think corgis nip and yap, but all the ones we have worked with — including dear old Lizzy – have been gorgeous.”

The audience and critics, too, have warmed to the canine stars. Their arrival on stage is being greeted by a chorus of “aahs” from the stalls, while many of the reviews have also remarked on the “lovely” corgis.

Indeed, despite the problems created by Lizzy, the producers are planning to expand the play’s animal cast, with the addition of a dapple grey pony named Emily.

It will feature in a new scene, being created by the play’s writer, Peter Morgan — who also wrote for Dame Helen in the film, The Queen.

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Steve Martin, Tom Hanks, Alec Baldwin & Others Make Surprise Appearance On 'SNL'


Earlier, Steve Martin posted an image of himself with Paul Simon, Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase, Tom Hanks, and Martin Short on Twitter.

Turns out they're all guesting tonight on "Saturday Night Live" with host Justin Timberlake. 

The only ones missing from the image who are also making appearances are Andy Samberg, Alec Baldwin, and Candice Bergen.

steve martin tweet

SEE ALSO: Now watch the opening sketch including all of them >

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Why So Many Reality Shows Use 'Wars' In Their Titles


storage wars

War is hell – except for reality shows.

Americans may be exhausted by the real wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. But we unwind with no fewer than 17 reality shows with "wars" in their titles. They depict so-called wars waged over whiskers, parking spots and cupcakes.

The word has lost so much of its impact that the latest show with a "wars" title thought it needed punching up. "Battlefield: Rhino Wars," debuts Thursday on "Animal Planet." 

"It's actually one of the reasons why we used 'Battleground' in the title for 'Rhino Wars,'"  Animal Planet president Marjorie Kaplan told TheWrap. "It's a way of saying this isn't 'Parking Wars,' this isn't 'Storage Wars,' this isn't 'Cupcake Wars.' This is really a war, and terrible things are happening out there, and somebody needs to stand up and do something about it."

Animal Planet was near the forefront of the "wars" title trend: It debuted "Whale Wars" soon after A&E's "Parking Wars" in 2008.

Also read'Storage Wars' Lawsuit: A&E Strikes Back at Claims Show Is Fake

No one takes show titles lightly. Discovery, for example, which owns Animal Planet, bounces ideas off of an "influencer panel" of 15,000 viewers. Other networks combine research with discussions between producers and network executives.

Sometimes they opt for a new and unusual name, as in the case of A&E's hit "Duck Dynasty." But more often their titles include one of two reliable words: "War" or "wives." (Although there are more "war" shows than "wives" shows, it's close: Besides Bravo's many "Real Housewives," there are "Mob Wives," "Sister Wives," and "Prison Wives," among others.)

Kaplan says the word "war" belongs in the title of "Rhino Wars," because it depicts former U.S. soldiers trying to stop poachers from killing rhinos for their horns. More than 100 South African rangers have died in the conflict, she said.

But she is quick to acknowledge the death toll doesn't compare with the violence in Iraq or Afghanistan.

"I do think that language can be very powerful, but also that overuse can dilute the power of words," she said.

No one has set out to change the definition of "wars," of course. But meanings tend to change anyway when words are widely overused.

Also readTLC's 'Best Funeral Ever' Runs Reality TV Into the Ground

Everyone realizes that the producers of "Cupcake Wars" are trying to be ironic. But so was the first person to describe a YouTube cat video as "Epic."

"Epic," like "awesome," has come to mean "somewhat cool."

So what will become of the word war?

It's a serious question for people who believe that words still have meanings. In 2007, the Associated Press issued a memo to its journalists advising against the use of words like "war" or "battle" to describe relatively trivial events while people were dying in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Using war terminology to describe disagreements is the worst kind of cliché on an average day," executive editor Kathleen Carroll wrote.

"To use it when people are dying daily in a real war is unseemly."

But the word "war" is still thrown around. Football commentary is full of references to "bombs" and "blitzes." Television writers refer to "ratings wars." New York Times writer Bill Carter called his 2010 book about Conan O'Brien and Jay Leno "The War for Late Night."

Jonathan Nowzadaran, executive producer of "Shipping Wars," said the word is so popular because it signals to viewers that a show involves conflict.

"The reference to wars in any show's title is something the viewer interprets as a competition, and that's what intrigues them," he said.

Nowzadaran says viewers have no trouble telling the difference between real and reality wars. The bigger problem, he says, is that a title with "wars" might seem played out.

"That conversation is inevitable because no one wants the viewer to assume it's a rip-off or a clone of another show," he said.

"Shipping Wars" is one of six A&E series to feature the word "wars," including three different versions of "Storage Wars."

Also read'Storage Wars' Star Brandi Passante: I'm Being Harassed by a Porn Freak!

"Shipping Wars," which follows shipping companies as they try to ship goods cross-country as quickly and inexpensively as possible, debuted last year, four years after "Parking Wars."

That show, which follows parking enforcement officers as they contend with furious drivers, was born from a 2001 documentary of the same name.

Even shows about children aren't safe. OWN's new "Blackboard Wars" is about a New Orleans charter school.

"We went through probably about 500 titles for the show, trying to find something that we felt was appropriate," said executive producer Eddie Barbini. "Nobody could agree on anything. I mean, literally 500 titles, I think, we went through. There was a famous show years ago, 'Blackboard Jungle,' a movie. Sort of came out of that. And it is a bit of a war down there, actually. Maybe not the wars that we’re all familiar with, but there is a battle going on, for sure."

Somehow, despite the popularity of the two words, no one has created "Wives Wars." But OWN has come close with "Married to the Army: Alaska," and Lifetime has the scripted series "Army Wives."

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Steve Martin, Chevy Chase & Martin Short Reunite For 'SNL' Opening Monologue


Former "Saturday Night Live" cast members Steve Martin, Chevy Chase and Martin Short — famous for playing "The Three Amigos" — had a surprise reunion during host Justin Timberlake's opening monologue.

In the skit, the three inducted Timberlake into the “Five Timers Club," reserved exclusively for people who have hosted the show at least five times.

When Timberlake entered the star-studded clubhouse, he found Paul Simon, Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, Martin Short, Alec Baldwin, Candace Bergen, and Tom Hanks.

Watch below:

SEE ALSO: Earlier in the day, Steve Martin tweeted a photo of the group >

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Sarah Silverman And Michael Cera Launch YouTube Comedy Channel — Here's Today's Buzz

  • Sarah Silverman Barack ObamaSarah Silverman and "Superbad" star Michael Cera launched a YouTube comedy channel, Jash — which stands for "Just Attitude So Hey" — at SXSW. Says Silverman of the channel: "We each have pages within Jash and we each can curate those pages. This is what we think is funny. It may not be your cup of tea, but there’s no testing involved, there’s no second-guessing of what a 14-year-old boy would like. It’s just a place to do stuff and fail or not fail."
  • Don't get too excited for the upcoming "The Simpsons" movie, it's still "Maybe another 10, 15 years" away, said show creator Matt Groening.
  • Mindy Kaling is writing a new book due out in "like a year and a half" that will be a followup to "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?" about "the high highs and low lows of the past 18 months."
  • Rihanna was forced to cancel the Boston concert on her "Diamond World Tour" after contracting laryngitis.
  • Motley Crue cut short its concert in Sydney on Sunday night when front man Vince Neil had to be rushed to the hospital after suffering from kidney stones
  • Tom Hanks is starring on Broadway in Nora Ephron’s final work, “Lucky Guy.” The play drew a star-studded audience over the weekend: Wife Rita WilsonKevin Spacey, Anna WintourDavid Copperfield, DreamWorks Animation head Jeffrey Katzenberg and 20th Century Fox Filmed Entertainment CEO Jim Gianopulos.
  • Amanda Bynesplayed with wigs.


SEE ALSO: Steve Martin, Chevy Chase & Martin Short reunite for "SNL" opening monologue >

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Artists Say Their Voices Were Used Without Permission In The Viral 'Harlem Shake' Song


LeBron James, Miami Heat, Harlem Shake

Two men who say they were shocked to hear their voices on the viral hit "Harlem Shake" want their share of the profits, The New York Times reports.

One of those men, Hector Delgado, abandoned his reggaetón career five years ago and is now an evangelical preacher in Puerto Rico, according to the Times.

The other is Philadelphia rapper Jayson Musson.

The Times reports the men said they didn't give their permission for their voices to be used in the song, which is now the soundtrack to a viral dance video. From The Times:

"[T]he tale of how an obscure dance track containing possible copyright violations rose to the top of pop charts illustrates not only the free-for-all nature of underground dance music but also the power of an Internet fad to create a sudden hit outside the major-label system."

Delgado's former manager, Javier Gómez, who says he first heard him on the song, told the Times Delgado will get the compensation he deserves.

"That’s a clear breaking of intellectual property rights,” Gómez told The Times.

The label behind the "Harlem Shake," Mad Decent Records, declined The Times' request for comment.

SEE ALSO: Law Students Do The Harlem Shake In A Library Made Famous By A Girl Who Filmed Porn There

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'Oz' Has Highest-Grossing Opening Of The Year—Here's Your Box-Office Roundup


michelle williams oz the great and powerful

It was a "great and powerful" weekend for "Oz." 

Disney's prequel to the 1939 classic easily earned the top spot  for highest-grossing film of the year.  

Up until this point, that honor belonged to Melissa McCarthy's comedy "Identity Thief" with a paltry $34 million.  

Even with more than double McCarthy's film, "Oz" still falls far below the $116.1 million opening weekend of "Alice in Wonderland" and that of director Sam Raimi's largest "Spider-Man" opening ($88.1 million). 

Outside of "Oz," it was still a painstakingly slow weekend at the box office.  

The other wide release, Colin Farrell's "Dead Man Down," bombed and Warner Bros.' "Jack the Giant Slayer" took a massive dive in its second week.  

Other than "Jack" and "Oz" no other film earned more that $7 million this weekend.  

Out of the top ten this week include "A Good Day to Die Hard" in its fourth week and Keri Russell's "Dark Skies" flop. 

In its first week, "Emperor" featuring Tommy Lee Jones earned $1 million from a small 260 theaters.  

Here are this week's winners and losers in Hollywood: 

10. "The Last Exorcism Part II" dropped five spots in its second week earning $3.1 million. The film, which cost an estimated $5 million to make, has now earned $12 million at the box office. 

9. The Weinstein Company's (TWC) cartoon, "Escape from Planet Earth" also died down this week with $3.2 million. The alien kid flick has earned the majority of its $49.2 million gross in the U.S. 

8. TWC's Oscar film "Silver Linings Playbook" continues to perform well at theaters with $3.7 million. In its 17th week, the film is closing in on the $200 million mark worldwide and should hit it within the next week.  

7. Nicholas Sparks' film "Safe Haven" added another $3.8 million to its $62.9 million haul. After four weeks, the film is now behind 2010's "The Last Song" after debuting stronger than Miley Cyrus' movie. 

6. "21 and Over" drops three spots this week earning $5 million. This weekend's box office figure helps push it past its $13 million estimated production budget. By now, the equally low-budget and similar film "Project X" of last year had earned $39.7 million.  

5. "Snitch" moves down one spot from last week earning $5.1 million. In three weeks, The Rock's Lionsgate film has earned $31.9 million worldwide. 

4. Colin Farrell's not box office gold anymore. New thriller "Dead Man Down" flopped earning $5.4 million opening weekend. 

3. With no other new films gaining traction, Melissa McCarthy's "Identity Thief" remains near the top of the box office earning another $6.3 million. After five weeks, that puts the film at $118.7 million worldwide.  

2. "Jack the Giant Slayer" takes a giant 63 percent dip at the box office in week two with $10 million. So far, with only $22.6 million overseas, it doesn't appear the foreign box office will give the nearly $200 million film a giant boost. Worldwide, "Jack" has earned $66.4 million. 

1. It's no surprise that "Oz the Great and Powerful" ruled the box office with $80 million. With a miserable start to the box-office year, that easily pits the film as the highest-earning film of the year so far. It's also the third largest March opening behind last year's "The Hunger Games" and "Alice in Wonderland."

SEE ALSO: What led to the big box-office weekend for 'Oz' >

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Chris Pine Is Breaking All The Rules In The Latest Trailer For 'Star Trek'

Justin Timberlake Fires Back At Kanye's 'Suit & Tie' Insult On 'SNL'


While performing in London a few weeks ago, Kanye West slammed his "Watch the Throne" tour mate Jay-Z's "Suit and Tie" song with Justin Timberlake, saying "I got love for Hov, but I ain't f---ing with that 'Suit & Tie.'"

Timberlake finally responded to the diss this weekend while performing the song with Jay-Z on "Saturday Night Live."

Instead of singing the usual lyric "Aww, s--- so sick, got a hit and picked up a habit" to "my hit's so sick got RAPPERS acting dramatic." 

Watch Timberlake sing the updated lyrics below:

Timberlake's lyrics were in response to this on-stage diss by Kanye West:

Sounds like someone is missing his "Throne."

SEE ALSO: Steve Martin, Chevy Chase and Martin Short reunite for 'SNL' opening monologue >

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Now Al Jazeera May Move Into The Old New York Times Building


The old New York Times building.

Former Vice President Al Gore triggered a firestorm a couple of months ago when he sold his cable network, Current TV, to Doha-based news network Al Jazeera.

For a former Vice President to line his own pockets by selling an American network to a company that was once perceived as being sympathetic to Islamic terrorists was considered outrageous.

And when Al Jazeera announced that it planned to shut Current down, firing Americans in the process, the public relations storm increased.

But then Al Jazeera announced that it was going to hire hundreds of American journalists to build a new cable news network focused on America.

This muted the media criticism somewhat (because, for understandable reasons, journalists approve of companies that employ lots of journalists).

And now comes yet more Al Jazeera news that may get the media talking.

According to Keach Hagey and Eliot Brown of the Wall Street Journal, Al Jazeera may move into the old New York Times building near Times Square.

You don't have to reach far to see a lot of symbolism in that!

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The First 'Hangover III' Poster Is A 'Harry Potter' Replica


Warner Bros. is having fun with its marketing campaign for the "Hangover III." 

The film's first poster is a nod to the one for the final installment of the "Harry Potter" franchise.

Here's the "Hangover III" poster:

hangover part III poster 

And, here's the "Harry Potter" one:

harry potter poster

We hope this is the first in a series of ads utilizing marketing efforts of other popular series' endings.

"The Dark Knight Rises" with its tagline "The Legend Ends" may be another good fit.

dark knight rises bane teaser poster

SEE ALSO: What you missed in Ben Affleck's Oscar-winning "Argo" >

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Matt Lauer Begged Katie Couric To Come Back To Save The 'Today' Show


Katie Couric Matt LauerFor the first time since Ann Curry's "Today" show ousting in June, Matt Lauer fully opened up to The Daily Beast's Howard Kurtz about how the NBC demotion actually went down and why he isn't to blame.

While Lauer admits Curry wasn't his first choice as a co-anchor following Meredith Vieira's exit in 2011, he says he gave it his all  to the point that NBC brass told the two to "stop faking"  their morning banter.

But before Curry even made it to the couch, turns out Lauer had made a move to try and get his former co-anchor, Katie Couric, back to the now-struggling morning show in hopes of improving both moral and ratings.

For almost ten years, Lauer and Couric ruled the ratings together with their very real chemistry.

And six years after Couric left "Today" to anchor "CBS Evening News," Lauer wanted her back — but NBC didn't warm up to the logistics that would require the hire.

Kurtz reveals:

At the outset, though, Lauer would have preferred to anchor with someone else. Before Curry was formally promoted to co-host in 2011, Lauer quietly reached out to an old friend. He asked Katie Couric if she would be willing to return to Today, where they had ruled the time period for nearly a decade.

Couric was receptive to the idea. She was shopping a syndicated show, and she and Lauer were talking about doing the show together. Their plan was to sell the daytime program to NBC and feature Couric on Today during the year and a half until the show could get on the air and Lauer would be contractually free to join her. Couric could be a Today co-host, perhaps as part of a troika with Curry, who had already been offered the job. NBC executives debated the plan, but Burke rejected it after concluding that the syndicated show would be too expensive to produce. Couric teamed up with ABC instead.

Today, Katie has a reported $40-million contract hosting a self-titled daily talk show on ABC.

Lauer, meanwhile, has taken a ton of heat for the way he handled the departure of Ann Curry — causing ratings to also decline and "Today" to fall from its top spot for the first time in 16 years.

“I don’t think the show and the network handled the transition well," Lauer tells Kurtz. "You don’t have to be Einstein to know that."

But, he adds, “In some ways being No. 2 [behind "GMA"] in the ratings is a real shot in the arm, a kick in the pants. It makes you hungrier ... I don’t think it’s a bad thing to have a fire lit under your ass.”

To read the full interview with Matt Lauer on The Daily Beast, click here >

SEE ALSO: 'Today' Show honcho defends decision to oust Ann Curry, blasts 'GMA' >

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New Mad Men Season 6 Poster Contains At Least 7 Plot Clues


AMC is driving us crazy with the promotional poster it just tweeted for Season 6 of Mad Men.

There appear to be at least seven potential clues to new plot points in the life of Don Draper. (Or maybe we're reading too much into this.)

Here's the poster; below, we'll speculate about what's going on in it:

mad men

  1. First, note that there are two Don Drapers depicted. This looks like a reference to the Draper backstory — Draper was born Richard "Dick" Whitman, but switched his identity with a fallen comrade in the Korean War and adopted Draper's identity in full upon his return from Asia. Although there have been some close calls in previous seasons, this secret has never really caught up with him.
  2. Is Don running from the police? It sure looks like he's in a hurry to get away from that roadblock.
  3. Whose hand is Don holding? There are always three women in Draper's life at any one time: His new wife, Megan; his old wife, Betty; his daughter, Sally; and whoever is catching his eye at any given moment. The hand could belong to any of them.
  4. What's in that briefcase? Draper isn't known for his attention to paperwork.
  5. Is Draper headed in the wrong direction? There are two one-way signs and a stop sign in this painting.
  6. Is Don leaving on a jet plane? There's one in the background, even though planes are not easily seen from Madison Avenue at street level.
  7. The first episode is two hours long! That'll be a three-martini event, then.

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Brad Pitt Looks Really Thoughtful In This Chinese Cadillac Commercial


Cadillac wants to triple its sales in China by 2015, and to help it get to the 100,000 units per year mark, it has enlisted the help of Brad Pitt.

In a commercial for the XTS, Pitt drives the large new sedan around San Francisco, shows off the CUE infotainment system, and looks very pensive, before holding up one finger at the end of the ad.

Check it out:

SEE ALSO: A Generation Of Supercars Was Born At The Geneva Motor Show

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Lucasfilm Is Working On A New 'Star Wars' TV Show


star wars cartoon

We knew this day was coming. 

With a new "Star Wars" trilogy and spinoff films underway, it was only a matter of time until Disney made headway with a television series as well.  

Today, Lucasfilm announced that after five successful seasons its popular "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" series will be coming to an end.  

This isn't a big surprise.  

Since Disney is in charge of Lucasfilm and the "Star Wars" franchise, it wouldn't make sense for rival Cartoon Network to continue airing "Clone Wars" much longer.

Lucasfilm already ended production on new episodes of the series.  

While Lucasfilm doesn't offer much on its upcoming program, it's clear to not expect anything similar to "Clone Wars":  

"We are exploring a whole new Star Wars series set in a time period previously untouched in Star Wars films or television programming. You can expect more details in the months to come."

The new series will most likely take place on the Mouse House's children's network, Disney XD. 

As a result of Disney's upcoming "Star Wars: Episode VII," Lucasfilm is also postponing Seth Green's upcoming animated comedy series "Star Wars Detours" until further notice.  

SEE ALSO: George Lucas was working on a new "Star Wars" trilogy before the Disney deal >

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How Justin Bieber Turned Into A Notorious Bad Boy


Justin BieberAt just 19 years old, Justin Bieber has already won seven American Music Awards, six Billboard Music Awards, 10 MTV Awards, has been nominated for two Grammys, anwas awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal by the Prime Minister of Canada.

But with great success at such a young age, can also come trouble.

Earlier this year, photos of Bieber allegedly smoking weed hit the internet and he's already had his fair share of run-ins with paparazzi.

From a break-up with Selena Gomez to his new controversial friendship with Lil Twist, see where Bieber may have stepped off course.

1994: Justin Drew Bieber was born in Ontario, Canada. His mother was just 17 years old when she became pregnant and raised Bieber as a single mother in low-income housing. He keeps in touch with his father, who has two other children.

As he grew up, Bieber taught himself to play the piano, drums, guitar, and trumpet.

2007: At age 12, Bieber sang Ne-Yo's "So Sick" for a local singing competition and placed second. His mom posted a video of the performance on YouTube.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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Amanda Bynes Is Unrecognizable Since Her Days As A Nickelodeon Actress


Amanda Bynes Twitpic

Amanda Bynes used to be one of the most promising young actresses of her generation. 

But Bynes has fallen on hard times.

Last month, she was evicted from her Manhattan apartment for allegedly breaking the rules of living there. 

Bynes has also changed her look and is almost unrecognizable. 

She also faced charges stemming from hit-and-run and DUI incidents last year. 

We investigated Bynes' journey from illustrious child star to movie star to retirement at age 24. We also chronicled her scary behavior as of late.  

Amanda Bynes was born in Thousand Oaks, California.

She had an upper-middle-class upbringing with her parents; a dentist and a dental assistant. Her dad also practiced stand-up comedy. 

Bynes got her start on the Nickelodeon show, "All That."

The comedy program also starred Kenan Thompson, who went on to star on "Saturday Night Live." 

Then Nickelodeon promoted her.

Bynes starred in "The Amanda Show," a program where she did comedy skits.

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