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Hollywood Gave A Mixed Reaction to Clint Eastwood's Bizarre Empty Chair Speech


Clint Eastwood

Last night, Clint Eastwood put on a show at the Republican National Convention.  

The 82-year-old actor-director took the stage as Mitt Romney's "mystery speaker" holding a one-sided debate with an empty chair who he referred to as President Obama

Twitter quickly flooded with responses to Eastwood's bizarre one-man show, with reactions both praising and poking fun at the actor-director. 

The Obama Campaign got in on the act, slamming Eastwood's speech. And, there was even an account created for an "Invisible Obama" which now has more than 40,000 followers. 

Hollywood joined in, too, with a wide range of actors and television personalities giving their take on the wacky speech.

Chris Rock, Seth Meyers, and Charlie Daniels enjoyed Eastwood's bit:




Bob Newhart, George Takei, and Albert Brooks found it amusing: 

bob newhart tweet

George Takei tweet

albert brooks 

However, Donna Brazile, Piers Morgan, and Roger Ebert weren't digging Eastwood's act.




SEE ALSO: Randy Jackson is stepping down from the judging chair on "American Idol" >

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'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo' Ratings Top Republican National Convention


honey boo boo

TLC's new reality show "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" got better ratings than the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night.

The show's fourth episode garnered 3 million views, making it the top cable program of the night, according to Michael O'Connell at The Hollywood Reporter: 

"The half-hour series' showing among adults 18-49 bested all other cable outings for the night -- including coverage of the Republican National Convention -- to pull a 1.3 rating.

Fox News gave the show its closest competition with a 1.2 adults rating in the same time period. On the broadcast networks, Honey Boo Boo bested ABC and CBS' demo showing for the RNC combined and topped NBC by two-tenths of a point. Aggregate coverage of the RNC across networks obviously eclipsed Honey Boo Boo considerably."

The show follows a 6-year-old beauty pageant queen, Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson and her family. The child frequently drinks "go-go juice," a mixture of Mountain Dew and Red Bull. 

DON'T MISS: How Ann Romney's Dress Choice Had An Anti-Obama Subtext >

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REPORT: Prince Harry's Vegas Party Included A Cocaine Dealer And Prostitute


prince harry

Earlier this month, Prince Harry was photographed partying naked in Vegas. Reports also emerged that there might be a video of his antics. 

And now RadarOnline is reporting that the prince was keeping some unsavory company, including an alleged drug dealer and prostitute

"A really good friend of mine is a cocaine dealer and texted me from the hotel room while the party was happening and said, 'Guess where I am?!?'" a source exclusively told RadarOnline.com. "Turns out he was in the Wynn suite with Harry, his pals and all those girls."

RadarOnline.com has confirmed that at least one of the women partying in Harry's suite has been known to prostitute and accept money and gifts for sexual favors."

The site also reported about a wild scene in the hotel room, with multiple kinds of drugs. 

Prince Charles reportedly told Harry not to apologize for the photos, and the Royal Family is hoping the scandal will blow over. 

Harry is expected to make an appearance at the Paralympics this week.

DON'T MISS: Here's What Lady Gaga's Vogue Cover Shot Looked Like Before Photoshop >

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'Avengers' Director Joss Whedon Explains Why He Cut Two Scenes From The Summer Blockbuster


Cobie Smulders

Two different deleted scenes from summer blockbuster "The Avengers" hit the web this week. 

The first featured a deleted opening scene with S.H.I.E.L.D. actress Cobie Smulders ("How I Met Your Mother"), while the latter gave a larger glimpse at Captain America's singular story.

If you're wondering why neither made the cut, "Avengers" writer and director Joss Whedon sat down with Vulture to discuss the future of the Marvel franchise, his upcoming ABC S.H.I.E.L.D project, and the story behind the deleted scenes.

Here's why the alternate beginning swapped out of the film:

"Two factors. One: The movie was three hours long. Two: Audiences didn’t respond to it as well in the movie as I think they would as a DVD extra. Most of them didn’t know who this character was or what the context was, and they were like, Uhhh, I don’t know why I’m supposed to be personally involved in this character I don’t know."

Whedon gives less of an explanation for cutting the Captain America scene; however, does point out scenes with actress Ashley Johnson (who plays the waitress seen in the three-minute take), frequently get left out of final edits. 

"I hated cutting the Captain America stuff with the waitress. At least I was able to call Ashley Johnson and tell her that all her stuff was still in Much Ado About Nothing, since she had been cut out of Dollhouse, she had been cut out of The Avengers: “I swear you’re still in the Shakespeare movie!” You know, those bits had seemed very personal to me."

You can read Vulture's full interview with Whedon here.

"The Avengers" DVD hits shelves September 25. 

SEE ALSO: The deleted "Avengers" scene featuring Stan Lee >

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Taylor Swift's High School Concert Contest Was Hijacked By Trolls (FB)


taylor swift

There is no chance Taylor Swift will go to Alaska for the recently launched Papa John's internet contest. 

On August 21st, Papa John's announced an internet contest targeting k-12 schools across the country. The school with the most votes on Facebook will win a free Taylor Swift concert, to be aired on “VH1 Storytellers: Taylor Swift,” Sunday, November 11th.

Learning from Pitbull, who was literally exiled to Kodiak, Alaska, this summer as part of a Walmart Facebook contest, Taylor Swift has explicitly stated in the contest rules that she will not go to Alaska or Hawaii.

So far, more than 10,000 schools have entered to win a chance to see the country pop star sing at their school this Fall. The current leader is the Horace Mann School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Allston, Massachusetts, with 50,163 votes as of today.

But, wait a second — most of those votes aren't even from students.

The votes are the result of yet another internet contest hijacking, only this time the perpetrators are users from the web communities Reddit and 4chan. Similarly, Walmart staged a contest in which the local Walmart location with the most Likes on their Facebook fan page would win a visit from R&B singer Pitbull. The contest was quickly overtaken by David Thorpe and Jon Hendren of Something Awful, who started a campaign to exile Pitbull to the most remote Walmart possible — Kodiak, Alaska.

Likewise, community members of Reddit and 4chan are working to send Taylor Swift to Horace Mann. And while the push began as a prank, as of this week, the sentiment among members seems to have shifted. They now believe Taylor Swift's presence at the school would be a positive experience for these students.

Officially, the Papa John's contest runs until Sept. 23, so only time will tell if this plays out in Swift, Papa John's or the school's favor.

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Wait…Did You Know Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom Was A Prequel?



Indiana Jones and the Temple of DoomOne of your favorite movies from childhood is a lie!

OK, not a lie. 

But you're remembering it wrong!

Over on ESPN's Grantland.com, they're hosting a contest called Sequeltology. It's a tournament to decide the best sequel of all time.

Grantland does a podcast, and during this week's episode they talked about the contest.

Eventually the conversation turned to one of the bigger sequels from the 1980s – "Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom."

You will remember it as the one where the guy rips out someone's heart and eats it.


I learned something "shocking" listening to this podcast.

I learned that "Temple of Doom" is not a sequel at all. It's a prequel!

It takes place before "Raiders of Lost Ark," which came out three years earlier, in 1981.

I found confirmation of this fact on the Internet, of course.

Apparently "Temple of Doom" took place in 1935, and in the "Indiana Jones" mythology is considered Volume 23 to "Raiders"' volume 24.


This has shattered my entire understanding of the "Indiana Jones" trilogy!  

(No, I do not include the fourth "Indiana Jones" film, "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull," to be part of the canon. Too much CGI. Too many nukes. Just bad.)

One immediate problem is this: Indiana spends most of "Raiders" professing not to believe in religion and magic, until he sees the [SPOILER] Ark opened and a guy's face gets melted off. (Still awesome).

But in "Temple of Doom," there is plenty of magic that Indiana witnesses. Did he just forget all that? (Or was this just the first sign that George Lucas is a terrible writer who punched WAY above his weight making Star Wars IV, V, and VI. Ding ding ding!)

Anyway, I can't be the only one blown away by this.

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Here's The Staggering Sum Of Cash 'Fifty Shades of Grey' Has Grossed Since It First Went On Sale


fifty shades

Women all over the U.S. aren't the only ones pleased with the erotic series "Fifty Shades of Grey."  

Bertelsmann reported a huge bump of $201 million (160 million) in revenue from last year after selling a total of $1.9 billion (947 million) in the past six months.

Its operating profit was $142 million (€113 million), and the company has Random House's naughty adult thriller in part to thank. 

Overall, Bertelsmann reported it's net earnings were up $443 million (€353), an increase of 31 percent. 

This shouldn't come as a shock since the series became the fastest-selling paperback of all time back in June beating out the "Harry Potter" series.  

To date, the series about a BDSM relationship has sold 40 million books worldwide, with three quarters of those books sold between March and June, according to Bertelsmann.  

An ebook of the novel costs $10 while a paperback sells for between $10-$16 on average.  

We estimate that "50 Shades of Grey" has grossed about $440 million since it first went on sale. The 30 million books sold in the last quarter have grossed at least $330 million—before costs, expenses and distributions fees—for Bertelsmann. That's more than a third of Random House's sixth-month revenues for the year. 

However, all of the green didn't come solely from 50SoG. Random House also had another 152 books on the New York Times best-seller list. Among those is George R.R. Martin's best-selling "Songs of Ice and Fire" series, the inspiration behind HBO's hit "Game of Thrones." 

In March, Universal and Focus Features paid $5 million for the rights to turn "Fifty Shades of Grey" into a film, so there's always the opportunity for Bertelsmann to continue it's lucrative run off the series with movie editions of the series down the line.

SEE ALSO: What controversial book knocked Fifty Shades of Grey off Amazon.com's number one spot >

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LeAnn Rimes Sues Two Twitter Followers For Distributing Unauthorized Phone Calls



LeAnn Rimes has emotional distress from the distribution of an unauthorized phone call.

According to TMZ, the singer is suing two unfriendly Twitter followers known currently only as Kimberly and Lexi Smiley for illegally taping a conversation and then posting it online.

According to the report filed, the Smileys have lashed out at Rimes due to an alleged cheating scandal which ended Brandi Gianville's marriage to Rimes' current husband Eddie Cibrian

The two are believed to be supporters of Gianville

Excerpts from the phone call were posted on sites like lunaticleannrimes.blogspot.com, Cherbit, and crazydaysandnights.net

Audio claims Rimes was "vindictive" towards a bullying Gianville. 

The suit claims these "out-of-context" excerpts feature Rimes in a false and negative light, painting Rimes as "crazy and delusional." The singer claims the distribution ultimately contributed to the her recent check-in to a treatment facility for stress management.

Rimes is seeking a trial by jury and could be granted $5000 or three times the amount of actual damages. 

You can view the original lawsuit HERE.

We won't run the audio here, but you can listen to it HERE

SEE ALSO: Rimes' reasons for emotional treatment >

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This Weekend In Theaters – Shia LaBeouf And Obama Battle At The Box Office


jennifer biel

The long Labor Day box-office weekend is finally upon us.

Though there are no big releases, two films we'll be keeping our eyes on are gangster film "Lawless" and the anti-Obama documentary "2016: Obama's America."

In each of the two days of its release, "Lawless" has pulled in more than $1 million.

"2016: Obama" has managed to bring in $13 million since its wide release last weekend. Since it's wide debut last weekend, it has become the highest-earning doc of the year.

Horror films "Possession" and "The Tall Man" featuring Jessica Biel are also hoping to lead the pack.

However, they'll see some competition with Disney's "The Avengers" and "Brave" back in 1,700 theaters.

Highlights in new trailers out this week include, James Franco surrounded by Disney darlings Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens and Kristen Stewart's Francis Ford Coppola flick.

Out this week: "The Possession"

Estimated budget: $14 million 

Lionsgate hopes to see green releasing a low-budget horror film during a low-key weekend to dominate at theaters. It's worked for the studio in the past with low-budget film "The Last Exorcism." 

"Possession" following a demon possessed girl places its bet on Jeffrey Dean Morgan who hasn't had a big hit since "Watchmen" in 2009. The majority of his films haven't earned more than $10 million opening weekend.

Out this week: "The Tall Man"

Estimated budget: $18.2 million

Jessica Biel plays a mother looking for her missing daughter in a ghost town. Biel's horror flick has an unlikely chance of beating out her recent box-office flop "Total Recall" and is a long shot to gross more than its estimated budget. 

Out this week: "The Good Doctor"

Estimated budget: $6m

Orlando Bloom makes his first big return to theaters since "Pirates of the Caribbean: " in 2007. 

Bloom plays a young doctor who continues to keep at the heels of his female patient played by Elvis' granddaughter Riley Keough

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Public Radio Darling Ira Glass Is A Little Touchy About Other Shows Using The Phrase 'This American'


ira glass

Ira Glass, who created the popular radio show "This American Life," is going after a tech company for producing a podcast called "This American Startup."

Chicago Public Media and Glass claim in their lawsuit listeners could easily believe "This American Startup" is somehow affiliated with Glass' award-winning show, Virginia Business Litigation Lawyer Blog reported last week.

Immersonal Inc. had tried to obtain a trademark for the startup podcast, but the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office rejected its application after finding there could be confusion between the two "This American" shows.

Glass is asking Immersonal to abandon its efforts to coopt the phrase. The suit also seeks damages and attorneys' fees.

DON'T MISS: How A Two-Bit Phone Hacker Became The Music Industry's Biggest Enemy >

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Andy Roddick Is Rocking The Coolest Shoes At The U.S. Open


No matter how far Andy Roddick goes at the U.S. Open, at least he'll go out in style.

Right now all eyes are on the 30 year old as he makes his final run at Flushing Meadows; however, they should also be on his patriotic footwear. 

While on the blue and green Arthur Ashe Court it's tough to miss the American's contrasting red, white, and blue sneakers adorned with stars and stripes.  

The Babolat Propulse 3 isn't a new shoe. Roddick showed off his stars and stripes kicks at the London Olympics

If you haven't noticed the patriotic sneakers yet, take a look: 

andy roddick us open sneakers 

On Arthur Ashe Kids' Day:

andy roddick us open 2012 sneaker

Here's a closer look at them mid-air during the Olympics:

andy roddick u.s. open sneakers 

@USOpen passed around this photo on Twitter in support of Andy:

andy roddick us open sneakers

SEE ALSO: How Roger Federer single-handedly prevented Andy Roddick from becoming a tennis great >

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There's Been A Dramatic Drop In Theater To DVD Wait Time


Do you feel like DVDs of theatrical releases are coming out earlier and earlier? You're not crazy. Wait time has decreased by nearly half, according to this chart by Reddit user steve599


Using numbers from VideoETA and The-Numbers, steve599 charted the average wait time between a theatrical releases and DVD releases, with 2012 numbers going through August. He limited choices to movies that made at least $100 million in worldwide box office.

"It's really no secret that the time from theatrical release to DVD release is much shorter than it used to be," he wrote. "But I wanted to know how much shorter."

Different factors could have contributed to the shortened time, from worries of piracy to more poor-performing movies that end up on DVD much faster. Whatever the reason, it's clear there's been a change in the way theaters and studios are handling releases. 

Check out the message board on Reddit to for more.

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Appeals Court: Marilyn Monroe Belongs To The Public


marilyn monroe

Marilyn Monroe might be the third highest-earning dead celebrity but thanks to a recent Ninth Circuit ruling, her estate might not fully enjoy the fruits of her death.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Thursday Monroe was domiciled in New York — not California — at the time of her death, meaning her estate can't take advantage of California's strict publicity rights laws, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The estate had the option of registering Monroe as a domicile of California when she died but chose not to do so at the time because of the state's high taxes.

So now, the estate has to abide by New York's laws, which don't allow post-mortem publicity rights, meaning the estate might lose out financially when someone uses Monroe's likeness, according to THR.

"Monroe’s representatives took one position on Monroe’s domicile at death for forty years, and then changed their position when it was to their great financial advantage; an advantage they secured years after Monroe’s death by convincing the California legislature to create rights that did not exist when Monroe died," Ninth Circuit Judge Kim McLane Wardlaw wrote in the court's decision.

"Marilyn Monroe is often quoted as saying, 'If you’re going to be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty,'” Wardlaw wrote.

DON'T MISS: Jim Beam And Jack Daniels' Distilleries Sued Over Black Fungus >

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Scientologists Reportedly Auditioned Girlfriends For Tom Cruise


Tom Cruise Katie Holmes

According to a forthcoming article from Vanity Fair, before Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes fell head over heels in love with each other, the Church of Scientology went through an internal audition process to find Cruise a new girlfriend. 

The big audition process is the crux of a forth-coming article in the October issue on the church's role in the Cruise-Holmes partnership from Vanity Fair's special correspondent Maureen Orth. Orth reports the church vetted members of the church in a top secret auditing process to try and find him a mate that was already in the church:  

Scientology embarked on a top-secret project headed by Shelly Miscavige, wife of Scientology chief David Miscavige, which involved finding a girlfriend for Tom Cruise. According to several sources, the organization devised an elaborate auditioning process in which actresses who were already Scientology members were called in, told they were auditioning for a new training film, and then asked a series of curious questions including: “What do you think of Tom Cruise?” Marc Headley, a Scientologist from age seven, who says he watched a number of the audition videotapes when he was head of Scientology’s in-house studio, tells Orth, “It’s not like you only have to please your husband—you have to toe the line for Scientology.”

Nazanin Boniadi, an Iranian-born actress, was the lucky girl selected. She dated Cruise for three months between 2004 and 2005. She was put through Scientology's auditing process for "a very important mission" for an entire month, but they never said what for. Scientology officials instructed her to "lose her braces, her red highlights, and her boyfriend," before she dated Cruise. It wasn't until the church flew her to New York for a date that she started to pick up what was going on. Unfortunately, things didn't take for the arranged lovers. Boniadi and Cruise broke up in January of 2005, and Cruise made his first public appearance with eventual wife Katie Holmes the following April. Things didn't work out for them, either. 

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Tom Cruise's Ex Claims Scientologists Forced Her To Scrub Toilets With A Toothbrush


Nazanin Boniadi

An actress recruited by the Church of Scientology as a potential new wife of Tom Cruise claims in Vanity Fair that she was forced to scrub toilets with a toothbrush when she revealed her "forbidden" love for Cruise, the magazine reports.

Nazanin Boniadi, an Iranian-born, London-raised actress and Scientologist, was selected and dated Cruise from November 2004 until January 2005.

The Church was hoping to find a wife for Cruise following his split from Nicole Kidman. Before he met Katie Holmes, Cruise dated Boniadi, VF says. The Church went to lengths keep the relationship a secret. But Cruise was difficult to please, VF says, because everything had to be vetted by the Church:

When a friend at a Scientology center in Florida, where Boniadi was subsequently sent, asked why she was crying all the time, Boniadi broke down and told her about her relationship with Cruise, which she had been forbidden to do.

Boniadi’s punishment was to scrub toilets with a toothbrush, clean bathroom tiles with acid, and dig ditches in the middle of the night. After that she was sent out to sell Scentology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics on street corners.

The Church denies the allegations, telling VF, “The Church does not punish people, especially in [that] manner.”

Learn more about Nazanin Boniadi at her personal web site.


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'The Dark Knight' Rises Past $1 Billion At The Box Office


batman the dark knight rises

Batman finally did it. 

It took a little more than a month, but "The Dark Knight Rises" finally crossed the billion mark as of Sunday. 

Domestically, the film has earned $431.2 million, significantly less than its 2008 predecessor's $533.3 million

All together, the third film in the Nolan series has pulled ahead of "The Dark Knight" with a big push from overseas.

Only 13 films have ever crossed the $1 billion mark at theaters. 

Here are the other 12 to date: 

"The Dark Knight": $1.003 billion

"Alice in Wonderland": $1.02 billion

"Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace": $1.03 billion

"Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides": $1.04 billion

"Toy Story 3": $1.06 billion

"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest": $1.07 billion

"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King": $1.1billion

"Transformers: Dark of the Moon": $1.12 billion

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2": $1.33 billion

"The Avengers": $1.5 billion

"Titanic": $2.18 billion

"Avatar": $2.78 billion

SEE ALSO: The best and worst television shows of the fall >

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These Celebrities Will Showcase At New York Fashion Week


katie holmes

It’s true: New York Fashion Week is approaching rapidly. If you’re as celebrity obsessed as some of us here, you probably can’t wait to see who turns up in the front row, who gets too drunk at an after party, and most importantly, who’s trying their hand at fashion design this season.

It’s pretty easy to slap your name on just about anything and have it considered a clothing line when you’re a celebrity, but to actually get the chance to showcase your items at New York Fashion Week is another story. Here, we’ve rounded up a slew of stars, ranging from reality stars to full-on fashion royalty, who will be hosting a presentation or a show for their collections this season.

'Real Housewife' Gretchen Rossi will preview her first collection.

The Real Housewives of Orange County star Gretchen Rossi has a new venture on her hands -- fashion design. She's previously designed handbags and shoes, but this is her first foray into a "ready-to-wear" collection. Naturally, her line will be shown at Kiss & Fly in the Meatpacking District at 8:00 PM on Monday, September 10.

Rocker Avril Lavigne is back with a second collection this year.

Avril Lavigne has had a big year. Not only did she get engaged to Nickelback lead singer Chad Kroeger and make Canada weep in bliss, her second collection at New York Fashion Week is fast approaching. The Abbey Dawn Spring 2013 collection will show on September 10 at Metropolitan Pavilion at 6:00 PM. And although she's no longer dating Brody Jenner, his half-sister Kylie Jenner will be walking in the show as she did last season. Expect slightly more upscale Hot Topic duds. Haute Topic! Am I brilliant or what? 

Bravo's Rachel Zoe will showcase her line at Lincoln Center.

While she did originally come to prominence for being the skinny stylist friend of Nicole Richie, many fell in love with Rachel Zoe on her Bravo reality show The Rachel Zoe Project. She's finally an established designer, with her show taking place at 1:00 PM on September 12 in the Studio at Lincoln Center. Expect 1970s inspired duds, as Rachel seems to be perpetually dressing Bianca Jagger in her mind. 

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6 Child Stars Who Went On To Become Lawyers


Josh Saviano

Some prefer to stay in showbiz. Some quit, never to be seen again. And a small number of child actors become—some quite successful—lawyers.

Take a look at some of these lawyers and see if you can recognize them from their days on the big or small screen. You may be surprised by how far they've come.

A special thanks to Above the Law for recently pointing out some child actors-turned-lawyers.

Charlie Korsmo

Law School: Yale

Undergraduate: MIT — Physics

Current job: Law professor at Case Western Reserve University School of Law

Films: "Hook," "What About Bob?," "Can't Hardly Wait," "Dick Tracy"

How You Probably Know Him: As little Jackie Banning who discovers his father is Peter Pan (Robin Williams) in "Hook."

Lara Jill Miller

Law School: Fordham

Undergraduate: NYU — politics and French

Current job: After a stint as a lawyer in New York, Miller returned to voice over work.

Films/TV: "Gimme a Break!"

How you probably know her: As Sam Kanisky in "Gimme a Break!"

Josh Saviano

Law School: Benjamin N. Cardozo

Undergraduate: Yale — political science

Current job: He's a lawyer at Morrison Cohen LP, where he represents corporations and "celebrity personalities."

Films/TV: "The Wonder Years," "The Wrong Guys"

How you probably know him: As Paul Pfeiffer in "The Wonder Years."

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The 8 Most Notable Celebrities At The US Open


brooklyn decker at the 2012 us open

All tennis Grand Slams feature some celebrity spectators.

Pippa Middleton was at Wimbledon, Pau Gasol was at the French Open, and Prince William went to the Aussie Open.

But no tournament brings out an eclectic group of famous people like the US Open.

Over the past week, celebs from the sports, modeling, music, and television worlds have converged on Queens to see some elite-level tennis.

We picked out our eight favorites from across the celebrity landscape.

LMFAO, in full costume

Brooklyn Decker, wife of the soon-to-be-retired Andy Roddick

Carmelo Anthony and his wife Lala, cheering on their friend Serena Williams

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Dwight Howard Is Super Excited About Joining The Lakers

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