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ATTENTION ALL COMPANIES: You Can Now Hire Funny Or Die To Make Your Ads


will ferrell

Funny or Die is going commercial by, well, creating commercials.

The Adam McKay and Will Ferrell brainchild, which had a humble start in 2007 (featuring videos of drunken landlord babies) and then exploded into a celebrity-laden viral video machine, is launching a division called Gifted Youth that is entirely dedicated to making real advertisements.

While some products have been integrated into videos—like Emma Stone's "ad" for iPhone murder apps—it wasn't done to sell anything. So far, brands have served as excuses to make funny videos. Now they're going to be the main event.

Chris Bruss, the vp/branded entertainment at Funny or Die who will helm Gifted Youth, told the New York Times that the division will give agencies and marketers the coveted opportunity to work with writers, directors, and maybe even actors who have worked with Funny or Die.

Advertising agencies are constantly trying to create the next big viral video. While once in a blue moon a client will sign off on Old Spice guy, let's face it, moons are rarely blue and agencies are far more likely to make Mary J. Blige sing about fried chicken in a Burger King ad that is destined to get pulled.

Funny or Die, on the other hand, epically wins at viral content. For example, Will Ferrell's local Super Bowl ads for Milwaukee beer—spawned from a deal that Pabst made with Funny or Die in 2010—got more Twitter mentions than $3.5 million national Super Bowl spots for Cadillac, Century 21, CareerBuilder, Lexus, and Hulu.

But everyone shouldn't start dancing in the street just yet. While Funny or Die is good at creating funny content, it's a whole other ball game when you have a client that's going to have to approve content every step of the way. Who's really going to be able to tell Will Ferrell, for example, what he can and can't say? We're also anticipating that agencies, who just love working/competing with new creatives on the block, will be butting heads with Gifted Youth.

The new ad shop had a soft launch during TNT's slam dunk contest during the NBA All-Star weekend by airing a Kia commercial starring Blake Griffin and actor Jeff Goldblum. Gifted Youth also just released spots for New Era baseball caps in which comedians Nick Offerman and Craig Robinson fight over their respective love for the Chicago Cubs and Chicago White Socks. (This is a continuation of last year's ads in which John Krasinski and Alec Baldwin feud about the Red Socks and the Yankees).

Here's the New Era commercial:

And here's the Kia spot:

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UPDATE: Keith Olbermann Sues Current TV, Claims Network Owes Him $70 Million


Keith Olbermann CloseTMZ just reported that embattled news host Keith Olbermann has filed a lawsuit against his former employer, Current TV, in Los Angeles County Superior Court. 

Olbermann was fired from the network last Friday, after he and Current TV founders Al Gore and Joel Hyatt failed to reach an agreement on the host's contract. Immediately after the news was announced, Olbermann blasted his former employers on Twitter, promising to take legal action and vaguely threatening to expose the "truth" about their ethics. 

We haven't been able to confirm TMZ's report yet, but will update when we learn more. 

UPDATE, 5:16 p.m.: 

The Hollywood Reporter has more, from unnamed sources:

"According to the complaint, filed Thursday afternoon in Los Angeles Superior Court by attorney Patty Glaser of LA's Glaser Weil firm, Olbermann was terminated without cause a year into his five-year, $50 million contract with the left-leaning TV network. We'll update soon with the specifics from the lawsuit."

A spokesperson at Glaser's law firm could not confirm the reports. 

UPDATE, 6:00 p.m.: 

TMZ has obtained a copy of Olbermann's lawsuit, in which the host slams his former employers and claims  that Current TV owes him "between approximately $50 million and $70 million." 

Unsurprisingly, the suit is heavy on the dramatics. Here's an excerpt:

"After being enticed to leave MSNBC and come to Current with promises of editorial control, freedom from corporate influence, and the professional support to produce high-caliber political commentary show of the type his viewers have come to expect, Keith Olbermann was disheartened to discover Al Gore, Joel Hyatt, and the management of Current are no more than dilettantes portraying entertainment industry executives." 

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The 11 Brands Kids Love The Most


kit kat

Companies spend billions each year to get young consumers on board with their brands.

Some are purely marketed towards children and will be abandoned once the kids get older. Others try to gain valuable lifelong customers by getting them hooked early.

So which brands do kids cherish the most?

Harris Interactive recently released the results of its Youth EquiTrend study, which determines which brands "spark the strongest recognition and loyalty" in the youth market (defined as 8-24 year olds, though age ranges vary per category).

#11 Kit Kat

Score: 78.90

Category: Sweet treats

Category rank: #4

#10 Hershey Kisses

Score: 80.29

Category: Sweet treats

Category rank: #3

#9 Reeses Peanut Butter Cups

Score: 80.32

Category: Sweet treats

Category rank: #2

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9 Things We Learned From Whitney Houston's 42-Page Autopsy Report



Last night, L.A. County released Whitney Houston's complete coroner's autopsy report. 

The singer, who passed away February 11, 2012 was determined to accidentally drown to death in a brief report released March 22. 

Now, the full autopsy report shows that the room was riddled with both over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription drugs—there were numerous empty pill packets—alcohol and narcotics.

We sifted through the 42-page document and uncovered more than 15 interesting things leading up to Houston's passing. 

You can view the full report here

There were open containers of alcohol strewn throughout the room.

There was a bottle of beer on a nightstand, an open beer can on a table and an open bottle of champagne above a mini-bar in Houston's room.

There was water throughout the room.

-Houston was left alone for 36-51 minutes before being found face down in the bathtub.

-The tub Houston was found in was filled with water, while some overflowed to the floor; however, it was not found running.

-The carpet in the bedroom and bathroom floor were soaked with water.
Did she get in and out of the tub?

-A towel, bottle of rubbing alcohol and a pitcher were found in the bathtub.

There were traces of "a white powdery substance" ...

A small spoon with a white crystal like substance in it and a rolled up piece of white paper, along with other miscellaneous items was found on the bathroom counter.

Remnants of "a white powdery substance" were found on the counter and its base.

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4 Bachelorette Party Ideas For Soon-To-Be-Married Celebrities


bachelorette party asian girls vegas

Sure, there have been some celebrity breakups that have devastated us — but there’s not just bad news coming from Tinsel Town.

In fact, some of our favorite celebs have recently gotten engaged. Declaring their undying love — and their belief that “this time it’ll work” — stars including Drew Barrymore, Britney Spears, Halle Berryand Kristen Bell have all vowed to say “I do.” 

And we couldn’t be more thrilled — we want to celebrate with them!

So we figured if we did the legwork of finding the perfect spot to play host to each of the celebs’ bachelorette parties, then they’d have to send us an invite, right? Even if we don’t snag a coveted offer from one of the ladies, at least we’ll have some inspiration for planning our own fetes.

Drew Barrymore should kick back in Palm Springs…

The rumors are yet to be confirmed but ever since Drew was spotted with a sonogram in hand, we’re considering it (nearly) 100% official — she’s pregnant with her first child and engaged to (super-cute) art consultant Will Kopelman. So rather than a raucous weekend in Vegas, this expectant bride-to-be should head to a relaxing spot and get loaded — on some R&R, that is. Just a short drive from L.A., the Parker Palm Springs is a great choice for a mellow, yet still indulgent girls’ getaway.

Drew can indulge in a pre-natal massage at the hotel’s top-notch spa followed by yoga with friends — and spend the entire weekend sipping free lemonade in a poolside cabana. When it’s time to let loose, the bridal party can stop by the hotel’s hip bar – as long as Drew sticks to virgin cocktails. And with Jessica Simpson recently babymooning at the property, this spot already has a celeb’s stamp of approval.

Source: Oyster.com

Halle Berry should hang out in Paris…

Now engaged to French actor Olivier Martinez, Halle will want to show off her fiance’s homeland to friends — and what better way to experience The City of Lights than at the extremely lavish Hotel Le Bristol. Halle can treat her party to a fabulous meal at the hotel’s Epicure restaurant, which has three Michelin stars, as well as luxe treatments at the Spa Le Bristol. 

Daughter Nahla can join, too – children at the hotel are given their own stuffed animal at check-in; plus, the kids’ club — adjacent to the spa — has plenty to offer in terms of activities and toys. At the end of the day, everyone can get wet — Hotel Le Bristol is one of just a handful of Parisian hotels that has its own pool.

Source: Oyster.com

Britney Spears should let loose in Jamaica…

2011 ended well for Brit Brit (who’s had her share of rough times). Not only did she wrap her hugely popular Femme Fatale tour, but she also got engaged to her former manager, Jason Trawick. So 2012 calls for a celebration, and the Geejam in Port Antonio, Jamaica is a secluded luxury spot with just five cottages removed from the watchful eye of the paparazzi that’s perfect for getting wild on the DL.

Britney and her entourage can relax on the beach at Frenchman’s Cove — one of the world’s most beautiful — and take in a prime sunset from one of the rooms’ private balconies. Plus, the hotel has its own on-site recording studio so Brit can lay down some tracks — and maybe even a hot new single!

Source: Oyster.com

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Here's How Richard Branson Is Reinventing Air Travel To Make It Fun—Inside His Bash At PHL



When Richard Branson launches Virgin America airline service to a new destination, it is no mundane affair.

On Wednesday, we traveled to Philadelphia International Airport to watch Branson kick off his latest cross-country flight service from Los Angeles and San Francisco to PHL.

Prior to the inaugural flight's touchdown, Branson celebrated the day by manhandling cheerleaders, dancing to disco music and treating guests to an open bar and Philly cheese steak sandwiches.

Philadelphia natives such as Amber Rose and Seth Green got in on the airport action.

It seems Branson's golden touch can make even the dreaded activity of flying seem sexy.

Cheerleaders (actual Virgin employees) get ready to welcome the first flight from LAX to PHL.

These stewardesses even have pom-poms.

Richard Branson gets in on the action, lifting up this unsuspecting cheerleader before the plane landed.

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J.Lo Gets Racy With Real Life Boyfriend In Latest Music Video—Here's Today's Buzz


  • Jennifer LopezKim Kardashian appears on the "Today Show" this morning, apparently to avoid answering any questions. "You never know what the future holds," Kim said of her new romance with Kanye West.
  • Also on "Today," Matt Lauer announces he will stay on the show, despite rumors he was being replaced by Ryan Seacrest.
  • Fandango gets a boost from "The Hunger Games." After selling 60,000 tickets per hour for the much anticipated film, the ticket seller reported their best first quarter ever with a 127 percent increase in ticket sales.
  • Get ready for more "Captain America." The sequel, which picks up where "The Avengers" leaves off, is slotted for an April 4, 2014 release.
  • Jennifer Lopez gets racy in new music video co-starring her real life 24-year-old back up dancer boyfriend, Casper Smart. Watch below.


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WATCH: Stephen Colbert Saw A Motorcyclist Popping Awesome Wheelies In The Lincoln Tunnel


Stephen Colbert, a hero to many in his own right, filmed a very different sort of hero while he was driving through the Lincoln Tunnel yesterday morning.

On his way to a filming of the Colbert Report, an intrepid motorcyclist decided to have way more fun than anyone normally has in the Lincoln Tunnel by popping a few wheelies.

Luckily, Colbert had his iPhone at the ready to film the entire thing. Thankfully, he also has a TV show to publicize the awesomeness.

Check it out below (via Colbert Nation):

Check out another "hero" >

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Jon Stewart Battles Bill O'Reilly Again—This Time Over Shrimp



The long-standing "feud" between Jon Stewart and Bill O'Reilly continued last night over the outrageous price of shrimp. 

After the chief of President Obama's General Services Administration Martha Johnson resigned earlier in the week due to allegations of excessive spending, Bill O'Reilly was not going to let her live it down. 

O'Reilly took to his show to express his outrage over the spending of taxpayer money for a government event. His argument boiled down to one simple point— there's no need to pay $4 for a shrimp. 

Of course, Stewart immediately jumped at the chance to highlight the clip and instead of just making fun of the talk show host, he invited him to play a little game. 

Stewart accepted the challenge of trying to come up with insanely far-fetched scenarios that would convince O'Reilly to pay $4 for a shrimp ... and O'Reilly showed up. 

Watch the hilarious back and forth between the hosts below. 

Now for some possible bad news, check out why you may have to wait more than 18 months for the "Hunger Games" sequel >

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What 'Sex & The City' Can Teach Couples About Living Together



If you're a woman between the ages of 21 and 35, chances are you remember this heart-wrenching episode from HBO's Sex and the City:

Carrie, the quirky newspaper columnist and the show's heroine, gets dumped by her fiance, Aidan.

As if relinquishing her diamond weren't bad enough, he also gave her an ultimatum: Either come up with $45K to buy their apartment from him in 30 days or she'd be out on the street.  

Unfortunately for many co-habitating couples, that's exactly what happens when they decide to call it quits. 

"Even one if one is paying the rent and the other is doing the laundry, the cooking, grocery shopping and takes care of the cat, there's no legal obligation between (couples) to continue on any of those expectations," says Lois Liberman, a partner in matrimonial law at Blank Rome LLP. 

There's a simple way Carrie could have protected herself – or at least had more time to prepare: a co-habitation agreement. 

Much like a prenup, a co-habitation agreement is something partners can use to protect themselves in the event that they either split or one of them suddenly passes away. And unlike a will or estate plan, which can be changed any old time, you wouldn't run the risk of having your ex write you off if things turned sour. 

Why you want one 

In today's housing market, "getting to keep the apartment" probably feels less like a victor's lap and more like a coup de grace. 

"It's very difficult now to take people off mortgages," Liberman says. "You'd have to refinance, but now you've got to qualify (for a loan) by yourself."  That's no easy task to bear, especially with so many consumers crushed by debt and banks unwilling to dole out risky loans like they used to.

How to do it

There are simple ways to go about pulling together a co-habitation agreement. Either hire an attorney – fees vary widely – or prowl the Web for a free copy you can fill out and notarize yourself (try Rocketlawyer or Legalzoom).

Starting the conversation may be awkward, but unless you want to wind up like Carrie – a closetful of $400 shoes and no where to stash them – then you probably need to find a way.  

DON'T MISS: The 10 Hottest Neighborhoods to buy real estate in New York right now > 

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This Former Nickelodeon Star Was Just Arrested For DUI


amanda bynes

Former Nickelodeon star and "Easy A" actress Amanda Bynes was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence in West Hollywood this morning at 3 a.m. 

According to law enforcement officials, Bynes was trying to pass a cop car while driving her black BMW and ended up sides swiping the cop car's rear panel. 

TMZ reports that police then pulled her over and deemed her unfit to be behind the wheel. Her bail is set at $5,000. 

Check out Bynes' pink-haired mugshot here.

This isn't the first time Bynes has had an altercation with the police. She recently fled the scene after a cop pulled her over to write her a ticket for talking on her cell phone while driving. And TMZ even caught Bynes driving after a night of drinking on St. Patrick's Day. 

If her past tweets are any indication, it appears Bynes may need some help.

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The 2012 Pitchfork Festival Lineup Looks Freakishly Awesome


Ty Segall, rock, music, concert

From Ty Segall's stoner rock to Cults' blissful chamber pop, this year's Pitchfork Music Festival looks like it's going to be one hell of a rager. 

We've got the full lineup of the three-day event below:


Dirty Projectors
Big K.R.I.T.
The Olivia Tremor Control
A$AP Rocky
Clams Casino
Tim Hecker
Purity Ring
Lower Dens
Willis Earl Beal
Outer Minds


Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Hot Chip
Sleigh Bells
Wild Flag
Flying Lotus
Atlas Sound
Nicolas Jaar
Danny Brown
Youth Lagoon
Schoolboy Q
Cloud Nothings
Lotus Plaza
The Atlas Moth
The Psychic Paramount


Vampire Weekend
Beach House
King Krule
Real Estate
Ty Segall
Thee Oh Sees
Unknown Mortal Orchestra
Kendrick Lamar
The Men
The Field
Dirty Beaches
Milk Music
Oneohtronix Point Never
A Lull

Pitchfork happens at Chicago's Union Park. Three-day passes are sold out, but you can still score a single-day passes for $45 at Ticketweb.com

And in other news, Your Money editor Jill Krasny is accepting donations for tickets. 

Don't miss: 12 times that being cheap will cost you > 

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The One Thing That Richard Branson Credits For His Success


Sir Richard Branson is the 61-year-old English business magnate who oversees over 400 companies under the Virgin Group banner.

Business Insider caught up with Branson at the Philadelphia International Airport — where he was launching further Virgin America service — and the fourth richest man in the UK revealed his three keys to achieving success and whether he ever gets discouraged.

Watch below.

Produced by Robert Libetti and Kamelia Angelova

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Inside Barbara Corcoran's Park Avenue Apartment

How Hudson Whiskey Started And Got To The Top Shelf

Now take a peek inside Branson's cheerleader-and-champagne party at Philadelphia International Airport >

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8 Ways 'Friends' Was Almost An Entirely Different Show


Friends Season 1 Cast

For ten years, "Friends" remained one of the most popular and influential programs on television.

But in 1994, when the show's co-creators David Crane and Marta Kauffman were trying to make their idea about six friends living in New York City into a TV reality, there were countless decisions that could have, and almost did, go very differently.

In its May issue, Vanity Fair has published "The Oral History of Friends: Jennifer Aniston Almost Didn't Play Rachel Green."

The article is an excerpt from the former president of NBC Entertainment, Warren Littlefield's new book, "Top of the Rock: Inside the Rise and Fall of Must See TV."

In it, Littlefield spoke with the cast of "Friends" and the show's creators eight years after the hit show went off the air to reveal that there are casting decisions that could have easily gone another way—not to mention the show's name, which was almost "Six of One" instead of "Friends."

"Friends" was initially titled "Six of One."

'Six of One' was the name of the show during the pilot,” says Karey Burke, former prime-time executive at NBC. “Then Kauffman and Crane came back with 'Friends,' which we thought was such a snore. Some people thought the show was too Gen X, way too narrow.”

Courteney Cox was originally cast in Jennifer Aniston's "Rachel Green" role.

“We originally offered Rachel to Courteney Cox,” the show's co-creator Marta Kauffman is quoted as saying in "Top of the Rock: Inside the Rise and Fall of Must See TV."  “But she said she wanted to do Monica, not Rachel.”

And Courteney Cox's "Monica" role was almost played by "The Facts of Life" star Nancy McKeon.

Lori Openden, former head of casting at NBC explains, “Nancy McKeon, from 'The Facts of Life,' also read for Courteney’s part. She gave a terrific performance. Warren let Marta and David make the call. They went off for a walk and came back and said Courteney.”

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WEIRD: Video Game Characters Are Now Modeling Prada


prada video game

The characters from Final Fantasy XIII-2 are taking on a new look when they serve as models for Prada's Spring/Summer 2012 men's collection in British fashion mag Arena Homme+'s 12-page fashion spread.

Because when Lightning, Noel, Snow, and company aren't vanquishing evil and whatnot, they're lounging around in silk blouses and pleated pants.

Prada's last runway show featured preppy models sporting Prada-inspired golf bags.

Home Arena+ comes out twice a year, coinciding with Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter collections, and describes itself as "the acclaimed bible of contemporary male style."

As SAI writer Matt Lynley told me, "It's over. Video games are over."

Which video game characters do you think should switch to designer labels? Princess Peach is pretty couture ...

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This Week In Movie Trailers: Mark Wahlberg Befriends A Foul-Mouthed Teddy Bear And More



Another week, ten new movie trailers.

This week we got to see sneak peeks of Mark Wahlberg befriending a foul-mouthed teddy bear, "The Hunger Games" star Josh Hutcherson hitting on a transvestite, and Tom Cruise singing with long hair and no shirt. 

No typecasting here. It's going to be a strange year in movies... and we can't wait.

"Here": April 13, 2012 (limited)

"3:10 to Yuma" star Ben Foster stars an American who goes to work in Armenia to survey satellites and bonds with an expatriate in this new drama. 

The movie opens in New York first but will expand wide in a few months. 

"Detention": April 13, 2012

Josh Hutcherson goes back to his indie roots with this comedic teen slasher film. 

Someone is killing off teens in Grizzly Lake and the high school principal thinks it's one of his students. 

Of course, he shuts a few suspects in the library, a la Breakfast Club, and has them skip prom to find out who is doing the murderous deed. 

"High School": April 20, 2012

Another complicated film about high school—with a clever double meaning title. 

"Adventureland" star Matt Bush plays Henry, a student who is desperate to get a scholarship to MIT. His best friend Travis gets him to lighten up by having him smoke weed for the first time. 

Of course, the principal at their high school has decided to buckle down on the drug use issue and has everyone take a mandatory urine test. If they fail, they get expelled. 

Thus starts the adventure. Henry and Travis steal pot from a psycho drug dealer and attempt to get the school doped up so everyone fails their test. 

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Watch Mike Wallace's 5 Most Memorable Interviews That Got America Talking


mike - wallace

When Mike Wallace passed away this weekend, we lost a journalism legend. 

The broadcast legend and "60 Minutes" host passed away Saturday April, 7 at the age of 93 in a New Canaan, Connecticut care facility.  

For more than half of a decade, Wallace lit up the small screen with his in-depth investigative interviews. From celebrities Bette Davis, Johnny Carson and political figures, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, his four decades at CBS' "60 Minutes" led to 21 Emmy Awards, with Wallace taking home his last at the age of 89. 

Sometimes you wondered whether you were watching an interview or a cross-examination in a courthouse. The always infamous broadcaster pushed the boundaries of journalism by asking the questions no one else dared.

Next week's "60 Minutes" plans to pay tribute to the broadcaster next Sunday. Today, We celebrate his life by taking a look at five of Wallace's top interviews from the show, highlighting some of the toughest questions the journalist ventured to ask.

5. 1991: Barbra Streisand

During his interview with Streisand, Wallace insulted the singer telling her he didn't like her 30 years ago because she was self-absorbed. Streisand holds her own despite appearing to simultaneously fight back tears and the urge to attack Wallace.

"20 to 30 years of psychoanalysis, I ask myself, what is she trying to learn?"

"I'm a slow learner."

"How many years have you been in psycho therapy?"


4. 1979: Ayotollah Khomeini

Wallace asked Iran ruler Ayotollah Khomeini what he thought of Egyptian President calling him a "lunatic" and a "disgrace to Islam" in this brief clip.

3. June 8, 1964: Malcolm X

Wallace discusses invisible movements in the African American Harlem environment and the community's hostility against policemen slightly before his assassination.

"Mr. Malcom, you have suggested that there are all sorts of movements in Harlem that we don't know about? … banding together in what sorts of movements?"

2. March 22, 1998: Dr. Jack Kevorkian 

CBS aired a controversial videotape in 1998 that showed Dr. Jack Kevorkian injecting terminally ill patient Thomas Youk who suffered from Lou Gehrig's Disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).  

The segment, which lasted more than 13 minutes, was the first euthanasia telecast on any of the major networks. Many argued whether the "60 Minutes" presentation was done with the journalistic ideals of informing the public or solely to boast ratings.  

Wallace: "You were engaged in a political, medical, macabre publicity venture, right? 

Kevorkian: "Probably."

Wallace: "And in watching these tapes, I feel there's something almost ghoulish in your desire to see the deed done."

Kevorkian: "Well, it could be, I can't argue with that. Maybe it is ghoulish. I don't know. It appears that way to you, I can't criticize you for that. but the main point is the last part of your statement: that the deed be done."

1. 1982: General William Westmoreland 

Wallace caught General Westmoreland in a pickle when he revealed that Westmoreland chose not to inform Congress, the President or even the joint chiefs of staff of evidence collected by his intelligence chief of a larger enemy number during the Vietnam War. 

When Wallace pressed why he didn't share this information, why it would have been a political bombshell to reveal the information, Westmoreland retorted:

"The people in Washington were not sophisticated enough to understand and evaluate this thing and neither was the media."

Westmoreland later sued Wallace and CBS for $120 million. The case was settled out of court, but not before losing CBS some of its accreditation and driving Wallace to a mental breakdown.

Runners up: 

Mike Wallace's 2006 interview with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad where the Iranian president continuously turns the tables on the journalist, including a moment where he questions whether he's a representative of the zionist regime or a journalist?

We also recommend watching Wallace's interview with "Brave New World" author, Aldous Huxley discussing the enemies of freedoms in the United States

Also, see 17 celebrities who married ordinary people>

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Dior Has Finally Replaced Anti-Semitic Ranter John Galliano With A New Artistic Director


raf simons

PARIS (AP) — Christian Dior has named Belgian designer Raf Simons as its new artistic director, and says he'll present his first show for the renowned fashion house in Paris in July.

The appointment comes seven months after star designer John Galliano was convicted by a Paris court for making anti-Semitic insults. The job of artistic director has been open since then.

Simons, who previously designed for the Jil Sander fashion house, was considered a top candidate for the job.

A statement by on Monday said Simons "will inspire and propel into the 21st century" the style of the prestigious house.

Click here to read about the rise and fall of John Galliano >

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15 Celebrities You Should Be Following On Instagram


Kim Kardashian Instagram

Following the big news of the day—that Facebook purchased Instagram for $1 billion—we decided to troll the photo-sharing social media app for the 15 celebrities you should be following starting... now.

While there is no "verified" feature (such as on Twitter) that makes sure celebrity imposters aren't fooling their followers, the personal photos make it clear who is real and who is a faker.

Where else could you see Jessica Alba's baby in bunny ears, President Obama on the campaign trail, Kim Kardashian without makeup or Floyd Mayweather doing shirtless sit-ups?

With 30 million users in just 16 months, Instagram is growing by the second and we wouldn't want you to miss a Hollywood minute.

Justin Bieber: PDA pictures with his girlfriend Selena Gomez, puppies, babies, sweet sneakers.

Selena Gomez: Pictures of her boyfriend Justin Bieber and messages to people who don't like that she dates Justin Bieber.

Jessica Alba: Babies in bunny ears, gourmet meals, fashionable fetes.

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Rihanna Models Lingerie And Salsa Dances In New Short Film


Another day, another Rihanna skin-baring photo shoot.

PopSugar is taking a look at RiRi's latest video for ELLE Magazine in which the singer strips down in 1950-era Cuba.

Watch below.

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