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Watch This: NBC Releases The First Seven Minutes Of New Series 'Awake'



March may be a few weeks away, but NBC is already prepping for their next big show, "Awake," by showing the first seven minutes from the premiere episode. We admit, it looks intriguing.

The series focuses around Michael Britten (Jason Isaacs) following the aftermath of a car accident in which he finds himself living in two 'what if' timelines: one without his wife (Laura Allen) and another without his son (Dylan Minnette)

Although the show's concept is gripping and interesting, it borrows concepts from both "Lost" and "Inception"—What if my wife didn't die? What if my son lived (a la the "What if the plane never crashed?" scenario.) How do you know where the dream stops and reality starts?

NBC has been pushing the show's "Is He Awake or Asleep?" campaign. However, the show has us wondering whether the main protagonist even survived the crash himself. 

But, perhaps, that's all jest. Maybe Britten is really locked up in an asylum and he's imagining all of this or maybe he's caught in some infinite loophole.

Whatever the case, the teaser trailer shows Britten invested in colored bands to differentiate between realities. "Inception'"s Cobb would suggest a simpler answer—investing in a totem.

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How One Twitter User Broke The News Of Whitney Houston's Death An Entire Hour Before The Press


When news spread Saturday night of Whitney Houston's passing, it was the AP who had the first official statement from Houston's publicist confirming the singer's death.

But an entire hour before that, Twitter user Brittany J. Pullard (aka @BarBeeBrit) was the first person to tweet the news, according to the below graph posted by Twitter, courtesy of @isaach.

Twitter Chart Whitney

@BarBeeBritt, who resides in Los Angeles and enjoys the Hollywood club scene, as evident by her Twitter feed, tweeted at 4:02pm PST to her then-799 followers:

WHitney Tweet

The tweet only received three retweets and @BarBreeBritt never revealed how exactly she heard the news, but Twitter user @AjaDiorNavy quickly had specific details of Houston's passing at 4:15pm PST that weren't released to the public until nearly 24 hours after the initial incident.


Once the AP tweeted the official statement from Houston's publicist at 4:57pm PST, rapper Lil Wayne quickly expressed his condolences and received 29,000 retweets, according to Mediabistro.

Other celebrities voiced their sympathies as well, but after Lil Wayne, the top tweets went to:

Justin Bieber (15,000 retweets): “just heard the news. so crazy. One of the GREATEST VOICES EVER just passed. RIP Whitney Houston. My prayers go out to her friends and family.”

Nicki Minaj (9,000 retweets): "Jesus Christ, not Whitney Houston. Greatest of all time," as well as tweeting a vintage photo of the late singer alongside Michael Jackson.

Katy Perry (8,000 retweets): "So devastating. We will always love you Whitney, R.I.P."

As if there were any doubt, it appears Twitter truly is the fastest news source. Sorry, TMZ, solid effort.

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The Guy Suing Fox Searchlight For A Crappy Internship Shares His Advice For Future Interns


Alex Footman

When Alex Footman graduated from Wesleyan University in 2009 with a degree in film studies, he saw taking a 6-month unpaid internship on the New York production of the film "Black Swan" as a way to get his foot in the door and learn firsthand about film productions. 

Instead, like many many interns before him, he served as an errand runner, making coffee and picking up lunch for staffers.

Footman is now one of two former unpaid interns suing the film's producer Fox Searchlight Pictures alleging that the company broke the law. 

Federal labor law says that unpaid internships are only legal when they serve as an educational training program and the company receives no financial benefit. Footman's suit alleges that Fox Searchlight broke the law by having unpaid interns conduct menial work that replaces the duties of entry-level hires.

Fox Searchlight has responded, claiming that Darren Aronofsky's production company should be held liable, not Fox Searchlight which only distributed the film.

We spoke with Footman, who is now a freelance documentary filmmaker based in Washington D.C.,to learn more about his experience as an unpaid intern and why he decided to go to court.

On why he decided to sue 

"It’s a terrible practice, and its actually empowering that there is any kind of recourse because I felt so soured by the whole experience. I felt used up by Fox Searchlight and it really gave me a pretty negative attitude toward the entire film industry. So I’m really glad that there is an opportunity to make this complaint public and hopefully change the practice and change people’s perceptions of these internships."

On why he accepted an unpaid internship in the first place

"It seemed liked the perfect next rung on the ladder. I'd studied film in college, and I wanted to work somewhere in the film industry. I didn’t know enough as a college student to know exactly what kind of job I'd be looking at... The head of my film dept. was always stressing that we had to pay our dues and respect film industry professionals. I had a notion that I would be tested emotionally and that I wouldn’t be financially rewarded. It was kind of like the initiation rite for joining an elite circle."

On what it was like 

"We were never given any formal introductions. We were just thrown in there and given tasks as they come up. But I stuck with it for six months. I could have walked away and quit whenever I wanted to. But quitting would have been a dead-end. There were a lot of pressures on me to stay."

On how he afforded living in New York City for six months without pay

"I was lucky that my family helped me pay rent and groceries and everything. I had a part-time job while I was working on the internship and that helped. But most of the costs were covered by my family."

On the end of the internship

"I wish I could say they said thank you. It was really abrupt and there was absolutely no process or whatever. We had our last day of work and after that we were invited to the wrap party which was out at a club in the Meatpacking District in New York and that was it. I tried contacting everyone who I'd thought would know me or recognize my name, everyone I'd spoken with on the production. Not a single person spoke to me afterwards. Yes, it's unfortunate that none of those individuals helped me out. But it's not each persons responsibility. It was just so in keeping with the way the whole thing was run."

His reaction to the recent lawsuit filed by a former unpaid intern against the Hearst Corporation

"I am very happy to see other interns taking action. Because I know that there is a fear among interns and former interns of being blacklisted in your industry for suing your employer."

On what he hopes to get out of the suit

"If this policy changes and there are less unpaid internships or paid internships that would open up these industries to a whole bunch of people who cant afford an unpaid internship. We’re not the lady from McDonald's who spilled coffee on her lap. We’re suing for back wages. It’s pretty nominal. It’s really about having them admit that they were wrong."

Now read about 12 ways to turn a Wall Street internship into a job offer >

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Adele's Ex-Boyfriend Who Inspired Her Grammy-Winning Album Finally Revealed



Slimy Slinky Winfield aka Slinky Sunbeam left Adele... for a Burberry model.

After the world wondered who the wretched fellow was who broke the beloved Adele's heart so badly that she later won six Grammy awards singing about it, The New York Post has uncovered the now notorious man who "could have had it all."

Meet Slinky, the singer/actor who hails from a faded seaside resort town in England and is described by friends as a "popular guy, the life and soul of the party."

"He’s a seriously good-looking guy. He has a great body and likes to wear vests to show it off," a source (Slinky?) close to Adele told the NYP. "And he has this crazy hair which reminds me of Jimi Hendrix—it’s really wild and untamed."

Slinky and Adele initially met through mutual art world friends in London and bonded over their shared love of music, although his "material is more underground and kind of art-school trendy.”
And as hard as we tried to get over the fact that Slinky apparently has a penchant for wearing vests with nothing underneath, it's this YouTube video below that has us seriously questioning Adele's taste in men.

But just how serious the relationship was seems to be up for debate.
“They never lived together, and I can’t really recall Slinky ever describing Adele as his girlfriend,” admits the source.
Adds a music industry insider, "I’m not saying she made it up, but there’s a strong suspicion that she’s gilding the lily.”
Meanwhile, as Slinky remains under the radar, some hilarious genius has created a parody Twitter account under the name, @AdelesExBF.

The @AdelesExBF handle already has over 4,000 followers and has tweeted gems such as: "One time a black pen exploded in Adele's mouth and she actively did nothing about it," "Adele would print out old transcripts of 'Caroline in the City' and make me watch as she performed every role," and "Adele used to microwave single pieces of bologna because she liked it 'dry.'"

Now check out Hollywood's 20 oddest couples of all time >>

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Here's Everything You Need To Know About Cable’s Hottest Show ‘The Walking Dead’



If you tuned into the Grammys Sunday, you missed out on the midseason premiere of cable's hottest show, "The Walking Dead."

The show, which follows a post apocalyptic world run by zombies, is earning cable's highest ratings ever. Sunday's midseason premiere gained 8.1 million viewers at 9 p.m. and 10.1 million during repeats at both 11 p.m. and 12:30 a.m despite the Grammys earning their second-highest ratings of all time. 

"The Walking Dead" previously broke cable rating records when the second season kicked off this past October with 7.3 million viewers.

It's not too late to catch up. Compared to shows like "Mad Men," starting its fifth season next month, AMC's zombie show is in its infancy with 14 episodes.

If you have better things to do than sit in front of your television for hours on end, we've put together a quick recap of the series to catch you up to speed.

Meet Sheriff Rick Grimes. He emerges from a coma to find the world overrun by zombies. Nice way to wake up, right?

We bet you're wondering how he ended up in the hospital. Rewind a few months back: Rick was shot during a car chase gone bad straight out of "Cops."

Sidenote: This is Rick's cop buddy, Shane. Remember him.

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David Hyde Pierce Is Selling His Los Angeles Spread For $7.5 Million


david hyde pierce house $7.5 million calfiornia los angeles

Emmy Award winner David Hyde Pierce, best known as Dr. Niles Crane on the old NBC sitcom Frazier, recently listed his $7.5 million Spanish Colonial in Los Angeles, Trulia reports.

The home has seven bedrooms and eight and a half baths. It features a rotunda entrance, a banquet-sized formal dining room, and huge den.

On the lower level of the house, there is a large gym, wine vault, home theater, storage rooms and a spa style bath with a steam room and sauna.

On the property, there is guest house with one bedroom and two bathrooms.

The house is gated for extra privacy

The backyard is like a resort

The landscaping is very well done

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A Realtor Is Using Whitney Houston's Death To Try And Sell Her $1.6 Million New Jersey Mansion


whitney houston house

It appears that realtors are already trying to capitalize on tragic death of Whitney Houston over the weekend to sell her old Mendham, N.J. mansion, the New York Post is reporting.

The home is on the market for $1.6 million. It was first listed in 2009, and was the location for Houston's 2005 reality show.

An advertisement for the five-bedroom home by Robert Cross of CarProperty.com reads:

With the recent passing of Whitney Houston in Beverly Hills, Calif., the day before the 2012 Grammy Awards show, it is with a heavy heart that we remind you of this great mansion. Whitney contacted us directly a few years ago about selling her house and even though she had it listed with various agents in New Jersey, we have kept the word out for her to car collectors, enthusiasts and the entertainment world.

Then it gets even more sleazy:

This house was also the scene of the activity that brought down this incredible musical diva over a 15-year cycle. The mansion was also used in the filming of a 2005 reality show in which she and her ex-husband appeared at the pinnacle of Whitney Houston’s fall from musical power and grace. With all of this incredible star studded history, if you owned this house you would always have these incredible stories to go with it. A great conversation piece for anyone.

Zillow has shared the listing photos with us.

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Here Are The 10 Most Embarrassing Celebrity Bankruptcies Of All Time


Actor and Celebrity Apprentice contestant Gary Busey filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy just days ago. His liabilities are somewhere in the $500,000-to-$1 million range, according to a Reuters report.

Some of the most famous (and most embarrassing) include >

Here’s a rather amusing take on the whole affair from Busey’s agent, as given to celeb site TheWrap:

“As with many great American institutions, i.e., General Motors, American Airlines, and many others who have utilized the strategic business tool called bankruptcy, Gary Busey’s filing is the final chapter in a process that began a few years ago of jettisoning the litter of past unfortunate choices, associations, events and circumstances that visited themselves upon this great American icon, to enable the start of a new and clear path to peace, happiness and success with his career and his wonderful new soulmate, Steffanie, and their son, Luke.”

Busey joins a long line of celebrities who have gone bust.

This post originally appeated at InvestorPlace.

Randy Quaid (Bankrupt in 2000)

Oh the irony. After making a film called The Debtors, starring himself and directed by his rather talent-deprived wife Evi, Quaid went broke. The decade ended with Randy Quaid banned from stage acting and the Quaids arrested for allegedly defrauding an innkeeper.

Toni Braxton (Bankrupt in 1993 and again in 2010)

After her album Secrets went platinum with No. 1 hits “You’re Makin’ Me High” and “Un-Break My Heart,” Braxton shortly declared bankruptcy thanks to free-spending ways beyond her success. So much for learning her lesson, though — by 2010, the R&B singer was bust a second time. If that’s not enough public embarrassment for you, tune into the sordid affairs and finances of Toni and her kin in the Braxton Family Values reality show on WE.

Stan Lee (Bankrupt in 2001)

Despite the massive success of comic book heroes like Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk and The X-Men, Stan Lee was a dot-com disaster. His web-based comic book venture of the era, the eponymous Stan Lee Media, quickly burned through its capital like so many other firms inflated by the tech bubble. Adding insult to injury was that Lee’s partner, Peter Paul, was accused of securities fraud, too.

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A (Valentine's) Day In The Life: Jamie Shupak, NY1 Traffic Anchor And Dating Columnist


Jamie ShupakJamie Shupak, 30, is an Emmy-nominated traffic anchor for NY1, the New York news TV station.

Every morning, the 5 foot 1 Philadelphia native, current West Village resident, wakes up around 3 a.m. to make it to the NY1 studio where she does her own hair and makeup, has a bowl of her favorite Trader Joe's cereal and checks her Twitter feed. Then she hits the air live at 5:08 a.m. to bring New Yorkers the latest traffic updates.

Oh, and she doesn't drink coffee.

Jamie's NY1 work day is done at noon, at which point she heads to the gym or home to work on a novel based on the last year of her life, which found her going from engaged to single after a 10-year relationship.

Now, Jamie documents her dating life in a bi-weekly column for Complex Magazine. Readers will notice that her tone and content have gone from scorned to lovestruck within the past few months.

That's because of her five-month-old relationship with New York Times TV and digital media reporter, Brian Stelter.

While the two tweet at each other all day long in front of their combined 114,835 followers, here they come clean and reveal that they are, in fact, a couple.

We follow Jamie from her 3 a.m. wake up call to her 10 p.m. bedtime, and tag along with the dating columnist and her boyfriend on their Valentine's Day date.

Wake Up Call

Snooze? You're funny. If I could, I would ... but I already sleep until the last possible second that still allows me to get to work on time. Wait though, my valentine is calling. How cute? He set his alarm to call me when I woke up. I know we're going to The Daily Show and dinner, and he knows I don't like chocolate, flowers or stuffed animals ... so I wonder what else he's gonna do today? Wanna know what I really want? A bag of Doritos, wrapped in a bow. Seriously.

Arrive at NY1 Studio, which is inside Chelsea Market.

Shhhhhh... everybody's sleeping. Except for the occasional drunk maker-outers and last callers, it's just me and I love it. There's a certain serenity about this time of day — on my West Village street or the empty corridor of Chelsea Market — that gets me every single day. It's like the city is all yours.

Glam Squad

The calm before the storm, in the makeup room from 4:15-4:45 a.m. I love when people say "tell whoever does your makeup to put on less blush" or "whoever does your hair not to curl or straighten it too much," 'cause well, that would be me, thankyouverymuch.

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Jenny McCarthy Has Been Singled Out To Host New Talk Show


Jenny McCarthyJenny McCarthy is returning to TV with her own show this fall. The actress and former host of MTV's '90s series "Singled Out" is getting her own self-titled show on VH1.

According to the music channel, the show will "celebrate as well as skewer everyone and everything in pop culture, news, fashion, TV, movies and the web."

Jeff Olde, VH1's executive vice president of original programming and production released the following statement:

"Our viewers connect with smart, funny, and outspoken women and Jenny certainly represents all of those elements wrapped up in a style that makes people smile.”

McCarthy's talk show set to air this summer/fall among an already bloated schedule featuring Jeff Probst, Ricki Lake, Katie Couric and Steve Harvey.

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These Celebrity Nerds Are Doing Great Things For Science


Natalie Portman

Celebrities are often better known for trashing science or spreading scientific misinformation than they are for using their public platforms to promote responsible research.

It's become so bad that London-based scientific literacy organization Sense About Science compiles an annual list of celebrity science offenders.

In 2011, the group chided television pundit Bill O'Reilly for postulating that the tides are inexplicable; reality TV star Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi for speculating that whale sperm makes oceans salty; and television talent judge Simon Cowell for promoting intravenous vitamin treatments.

But with the Academy Awards coming up and celebrities basking in the glow of nominations, we thought we'd add commendations of our own. Here's a list of celebrities who have supported scientific endeavors, spoken out against pseudoscience, or who have surprising nerd chops.

1. Amanda Peet

With celebrities such as former Playboy model Jenny McCarthy pushing the discredited idea thatvaccines cause autism, researchers and public health officials have worried about the resurgence of preventable childhood diseases. Actress Amanda Peet lent her celebrity shine to the cause of vaccination in 2008 when she became the spokeswoman for the group Every Child By Two, an organization that encourages childhood vaccination. Peet used her own experiences as a new mother to encourage parents to get vaccine information from reliable sources.

"What became clear to us after all of our research was that scientists around the world clearly refuted any connection between vaccines and autism or other disorders. Most importantly, I learned that delaying vaccines could jeopardize our baby's life," Peet wrote on the website, vaccinateyourbaby.org. "After my experiences I realized that many parents must be going through the same turmoil over this critical decision. I was determined to do whatever I could to help parents like us get the facts straight on this very important issue."

2. Natalie Portman

Queen Amidala was only the beginning. Movie star Natalie Portman started acting as a child, but kept her academic dreams alive, too, graduating from Harvard University in 2003 with a bachelor's in psychology. She was a semifinalist in the Intel Science Talent Search in 1998 and a co-author on a study published in the journal NeuroImage in 2002 under her given name, Natalie Hershlag.

3. will.i.am

Black Eyed Peas frontman will.i.am might be partially responsible for unleashing the song "My Humps" into the world, but he's also a supporter of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education. In August 2011, will.i.am paired up with Segway founder Dean Kamen to produce a television special called "i.am.FIRST — Science is Rock and Roll." The special followed the 20th annual FIRST Championship, a robotics competition for students in kindergarten through 12th grade. The singer also promotes education with his foundation, the i.am scholarship.

4. Hedy Lamarr

Viennese actress Hedy Lamarr got a notorious start to her acting career by appearing nude in the film "Extase" (Ecstasy) — in 1933. More to the point, Lamarr was an inventor. Along with composer and amateur endocrinologist George Antheil, Lamarr created a system for torpedo guidance that would use signals broadcast over multiple radio frequencies, swapping (or "hopping") from frequency to frequency. They got a patent on the idea in 1942. The idea didn't catch on immediately, most likely because Navy officials believed that the system would never fit on their planes. But in 1957, other engineers perfected the concept and put it into use. Lamarr died in 2000 after having been retired from public life for decades.

5. Brian Cox

Particle physicist Brian Cox now works at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, but in the 1990s, he was better known for making music than for searching for mysterious subatomic particles.

Cox was already studying for his physics doctorate when he played keyboard for the U.K. pop band D:Ream. Now, he stays in the limelight as a frequent presenter and guest on the BBC. He also briefly rejoined D:Ream in 2011 to play on the band's 2011 single, "Gods in the Making." He's also been a blunt supporter of science in the media and on Twitter, blasting conspiracy theorists who expect a 2012 doomsday, for example. [Oops! 11 Failed Doomsday Predictions]

6. Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks once dreamed of being an astronaut. That dream didn't come true, but he did get to play one in the 1995 movie "Apollo 13." The actor has also been a strong supporter of NASA and its manned missions, serving on the board of the National Space Society and producing documentaries about NASA's moon landings. He's even been honored for his efforts on behalf of space exploration by the nonprofit Space Foundation, which gave him the Douglas S. Morrow Public Outreach Award in 2006.

7. Leonardo DiCaprio

The environment is a favorite cause for celebrities, and actor Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the first in the ranks of environment-minded stars. In 2007, DiCaprio produced the film "The 11th Hour," a documentary about climate change, biodiversity and conservation that featured such scientists as physicist Stephen Hawking.

The actor has also put his money where his mouth is, donating $1 million in 2010 through the World Wildlife Fund for tiger conservation.

8. Brian May

Brian May will rock you … with guitar licks and astrophysics. This founding member of the rock band Queen was working on his doctorate in physics when the band took off; he took off three decades to rock and then turned his efforts away from stardom and toward the stars, earning his degree in astrophysics in 2008. May has even had an asteroid named after him: asteroid 52665 Brianmay. More recently, May has become a conservationist, focusing on ending fox hunting and badger-culling in Britain.


This post originally appeared at LiveScience.

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Check Out These 19 Stars Who Began Their Careers As Extras


brad pitt christina applegateThis post originally appeared at Mental_Floss.

Although it isn’t a written rule, an “extra”—a background player in a movie or TV show—usually has no spoken lines. If a line, or a few lines, are spoken, the person is often referred to as a “bit player” instead of an extra. (If a major star or a “known” actor is an extra in a movie, their non-speaking appearance is called a “cameo.”)

The famous people listed below all made one or more appearances as movie extras before they went on to bigger and better things.

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1. Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone was an extra in Woody Allen’s 1971 film Bananas as a subway mugger. He was also an extra in Jane Fonda’s 1971 psychological thriller, Klute, as a disco patron (uncredited).

2. Brad Pitt

In 1987′s Less Than Zero, Brad Pitt was an extra billed as “Partygoer / Preppie Guy at Fight.”

3. Clint Eastwood

In the 1950s, Clint Eastwood was actually an eager member of Central Casting. He was an uncredited extra in several films before breaking into leading man roles.

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You Won't See Kodak's Name At The Oscars This Year


kodak theatre

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) — One big name that likely won't be at this year's Oscars: Kodak.

The Eastman Kodak Co. received court approval Wednesday to end its sponsorship deal for the Hollywood Theater, which hosts the Academy Awards later this month.

Kodak signed a $74 million deal for naming rights to the theater in 2000. The struggling photography company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last month and subsequently decided it wanted to end its contract for naming rights of the glamorous Los Angeles theater as it tries to improve its financial picture.

The company's financial advisers say in court documents that the benefits of having the company's name on the 3,300-seat Kodak Theatre aren't worth the contract's cost.

Kodak confirmed Wednesday that a U.S. Bankruptcy judge approved its request to end the deal.

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LIVE DEBATE: Walmart Should Pay Its Employees More


henry blodget

Walmart made $26 billion of operating profit last year.

Walmart pays its average "associate," of which it has about 1.5 million in the U.S., just under $12 an hour. This equates to an annual salary that is below the poverty line.

Like other healthy corporations, Walmart could afford to pay its associates more. It chooses not to because it doesn't have to.

This decision, which is repeated by many other healthy companies. is responsible for one of the biggest problems in our economy.

Specifically, one of the biggest problems in our economy right now is the disappearance of the middle-class. The middle-class is disappearing because middle-class jobs are disappearing. This is not just because of the loss of "manufacturing jobs." It's because of the loss of middle-class jobs. Many of these jobs have been replaced with "low-wage service jobs."

Low-wage service jobs are not low-paid because they are low-skilled. They're low-paid because they're low-paid. Companies don't have to pay their employees more, so they don't.

Unfortunately, this situation is one reason inequality in our economy has become so extreme in recent years. And it's one reason economic growth is so weak: Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck and have no money to spend on anything other than basic necessities.

Wages as a percent of GDPIf the middle-class were stronger--if the vast majority of American consumers had more disposable income--the American economy would be much healthier. Instead, a greater portion of the country's income is going to highest earners than any time since the 1920s. And "the 99%," meanwhile, are getting the shaft.

If Walmart used ~$7 billion of its $26 billion of operating profit to give each of its American associates a $5,000 raise, its associates would no longer be below the poverty line. Its associates would also likely spend that $5,000 on goods and services in the economy, probably at Walmart. This would stimulate the economy and Walmart and make life easier for the associates.

If Walmart paid its employees more, it would also likely get better employees. And keep them longer. And these better, more experienced, and more loyal employees would likely make Walmart a stronger company over the long-term. And that would enhance shareholder value.

If Walmart paid its employees more, it would also better balance the interestes of its three constituencies: 1) customers, 2) employees, 3) shareholders. And that would make it a much more valuable company in the societal sense of the word.

Profits As A Percent Of GDPHenry Ford decided to pay his workers more than the market would bear--enough so that his workers could buy his cars. This was a smart decision, and it helped usher in the era of prevalent middle-class manufacturing jobs.

If America is to regain its economic might, we need to find a way to restore these middle-class jobs. A good first step would be Walmart following in Henry Ford's footsteps and paying its employees more.

Based on several earlier posts I've written on this topic, the mere idea that a company would pay employees a penny more than it absolutely had to drives people insane with rage.

So this is your opportunity to make your case.

Please add your thoughts on this in the comments below. I will listen carefully and keep an open mind. And, for the next hour, I will respond to comments that I think make fair, smart points.

A word of warning, though:

The goal of this exercise is to hear both sides and have an intelligent debate. Anyone who just insults me or anyone else will be instantly booted to the Bleachers. And so, unfortunately, will anyone who makes stupid, dismissive, or exaggerated arguments.

(If you get booted to the Bleachers, try to say something really intelligent and maybe I'll feature the comment. And then all of your "Strikes" will be removed.)

So, should Walmart give its employees a raise?

Please read this post for additional background.

And then have at it!

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Bill O'Reilly Criticizes Whitney Houston, Upsets Matt Lauer


Bill-O'Reilly-Matt-Lauer-TodayBill O'Reilly has managed to do something so few people have done: piss off affable morning show host Matt Lauer

During a segment of "Today," the Fox show host took on the subject of Whitney Houston with a whole lot of gusto. Not only did O'Reilly bash mainstream media outlets for exploiting Houston's death, he criticized celebrities (and again the media) for not stopping Houston from her addictions. 

O'Reilly took a lot of jabs at the late singer. He stated that he doesn't think anyone can be "a slave to addiction" and that addiction is a mental disease but that you can get through it with free will.

He went on to state, "You don’t have free will when you have lung cancer. You do have free will when you’re a crack addict."

Then he took on the media, the stories were "sensationalized to exploit the woman's condition," O'Reilly claimed. 

But Lauer wasn't having it. After trying to defend certain stories, he started to turn the subject away from the fight. But O'Reilly stated he would always be right if the two tried to defend their opinions. 

To this Lauer responded, "I know you'd always think you're right." 

So who is right? Check out the video below. 

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61% Of Americans Don't Go To The Movies Anymore



In times when even celebrities are clipping coupons to cut costs, it's no surprise that fewer people are opting to go to the movies, a study by CouponCabin found.

Of 2,217 adults surveyed, 61 percent said they rarely or never go to the movies anymore.

More than half blamed the recession, but it could be that prices are just too high.

The National Association of Theater Owners said last week that the average movie ticket price increased to $7.93 in 2011 from $7.89 in 2010, LA Times' Richard Verrier reports.

Moviegoers in big cities pay way more than the average, with New Yorkers spending about $13 per flick.

Just because there might be more empty seats in theaters doesn't necessarily mean people are seeing fewer films. They're just finding less expensive ways to go about it.  

Nearly two-thirds of consumers said they prefer cheaper matinees and nearly 40 percent bring their own snacks and drinks. Another 32 percent use daily deals sites to score discounts on tickets. 

And let's be real: Theaters are facing stiff competition from a myriad of cheap and free movie-watching alternatives, such as Netflix and Redbox. (See how to score Redbox movies for free.

Half of the respondents in CouponCabin's survey said they rent or buy movies, while 34 percent said they stream them online. 

Now see 12 ways to save serious cash on eating out >

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The Girly Mansion Of Late Cosmetics Titan Mary Kay Is For Sale In Texas


mary kay house, dallas, $3.3 million

The Dallas home of Mary Kate Ash, the late cosmetics queen who started Mary Kay, has hit the market at $3.3 million, according to Realtor.com.

The home was first listed in 2007 at $5.7 million, but was taken off until recently when it was re-listed at its reduced price.

The massive 11,874 square-foot home features six bedrooms and eight bathrooms, seven fireplaces, a wine cellar and an elevator.

The home has very well manicured gardens.

It reminds us of a palace.

The pool is great for swimming laps. Then, after your workout, relax in the hot tub.

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Here's What Happens When Kanye West, Jay-Z And Woody Allen Combine 'Paris' Videos



If Kanye and Jay-Z's "Paris" video was too much for you to handle, here's an alternative to satisfy your music craving. 

One YouTube fan mashed up "Midnight in Paris" with Jay-Z and Kanye's "Paris" song last week and its making its way around the web.

We get a kick out of Owen Wilson's dancing jig and exchange in a car. 

Check out what happens when you combine an Oscar-nominated film with one of the biggest singles of last year below. 



Now watch Kanye West and Jay-Z's original 'Paris' music video >>

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The Top 20 Biggest Celebrity Beefs Of All Time



Wednesday night, Lil' Kim called Nicki Minaj a "stupid hoe" during her appearance on Bravo's "Watch What Happens Live."

"If you have to make a song called 'Stupid Hoe,' you must be a stupid hoe," Lil' Kim told the late night show's host, Andy Cohen.

And while we were shocked by Lil' Kim's bluntness (as they say, imitation is the highest form of flattery, after all) the rapper's comments were nothing compared to some of the jabs celebrities have traded in the past.

From diva bashing between Elton John and Madonna to a decades-long rivalry between David Letterman and Jay Leno, we take a look back at 20 of the top celebrity feuds of all time.

Kanye West v. Taylor Swift

"Imma let you finish..." 

This event was not so much a feud as it was... strange. It all started when Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech after winning Best Female Video at the MTV Video Music Awards. He just had to let the whole world know that "Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time. Of all time." 

After the huge backlash, West went on "The Jay Leno Show" and made a heartfelt apology to Swift stating he was he was ashamed that his "hurt" over his mother's death "caused someone else's hurt." He also made another apology to Swift on his blog. 

Swift wrote a song about the event and performed at the VMA's the following year. So did Kanye. As of now, looks like things might be settled. 

Kings of Leon v. Ryan Murphy

When Kings of Leon said no to letting the "Glee" co-creator Ryan Murphy use their songs on the hit show, Murphy retaliated to the rejection by saying, "F*** you Kings of Leon. They're self-centered a**holes and they missed the bigger picture."

The band's frontman Nathan Followill tweeted quite the response: "Dear Ryan Murphy, let it go. See a therapist, get a manicure, buy a new bra."

Followill later apologized for the message and Murphy apologized to Kings of Leon, "I completely understand when artists don't want a show or another artist to interpret their songs. In fact, I respect it."

Daniel Craig v. The Kardashians

In the January issue of British GQ, Daniel Craig trashed the reality family by saying, "You see that and you think, 'What, you mean all I have to do is behave like a f--king idiot on television and then you'll pay me millions?'"

Kris Jenner, aka Mama Kardashian, retaliated by telling Heat Magazine, "crossed the line. It's not made him look like the world's nicest guy. The right thing for a real man to do now would be to issue a public apology."

He has not.

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PHOTOS: Supermodel Chrissy Teigen Heats Up The Kitchen



"I have a fryer on both coasts," she tells me solemnly, her eyes twinkling. "I really couldn't live without them."

Deep within the elegant bowels of New York's famed International Culinary Center (home of L'Ecole, the restaurant of the French Culinary Institute), Sports Illustrated model Chrissy Teigen is getting primped and prepped for her big kitchen debut while discussing the finer points of fried junk food. The petite bundle of energy seems unaware of her own beauty, completely swept up in the excitement of a highly choreographed shoot filled with epicurean surprises and the potential for a long-awaited foray into culinary super stardom.

Click here to see Chrissy Teigen in the kitchen >>

At 26, Teigen is probably most famous for her bikini-baring spreads, high-wattage relationship (she's engaged to singer John Legend) and her goofy sense of humor. A Twitter darling in her own right, this Utah native turned pin-up girl isn't afraid to tweet the ridiculous ("He went to Jared" was her cheeky response following news of her engagement), but at the heart of it all is a serious love affair with eating and cooking that stretches back to her teen years.

"I always wanted to go to culinary school," the bubbly brunette explains. "But then my father took a look at the price. After that, I let my interest die down a little bit. It wasn't until I was in a position to really appreciate the time and dedication it takes to commit to it as career that I started rethinking my future."

Teigen candidly admits that modeling was never her ultimate goal, but having the opportunity to travel and meet many a food legend along the way only continued to peak her culinary appetite. "That was my dream. [John and I] get to do all sorts of fun, amazing red carpets and stuff, but he senses that I really shut down.  But I get so nervous when I get brought back to meet a chef -- more so than Beyoncé or someone like that."

The hustle and bustle of a busy kitchen and being in the presence of such talent made her realize that she needed to be a part of that world -- hence the launch of her popular food blog, So Delushious.  Food porn at its most pure with the literature to back it up, Teigen's online musing provide a glossy image of her world travels as well as recipes and personal anecdotes. Naturally, she's had her share of strange food throughout her adventures.

"My mom is Thai, and loves to take us to those night bazaars in Thailand, and I've had fried ant salad there before," she offers nonchalantly. The look of disgust on my face quickly leads to a peal of laughter.  "It doesn't really taste like anything," Teigen insists as her smile widens.  "It's just like crunchy protein."

Fearless food consumption may seem contradictory to her day job, but as I quickly learn, not all models prefer to subsist on a steady diet of cigarettes and champagne. "A lot of girls you see on the runway, they don't really have a passion [for eating]," she clarifies. "But the ones of us who have it, we're pretty proud of it and we love it. Genevieve Morton, one of my fellow Sports Illustrated girls, also loves food and loves to cook. But we're lucky because we're of a different breed. We get to eat and not feel ashamed about it because a little extra curve is good for us."

If curves are good, then so is a down-to-earth attitude and lack of guile. Teigen is the kind of on-screen personality that has no problem making fun of herself if it makes you laugh OR makes for good television in the process.  Following a special on the Cooking Channel called Cookies & Cocktails this past December, I can safely say that even after a mere hour that it's clear that it works. Although she has certainly dabbled in some of the priciest haute cuisine the world has to offer, this is one girl that's totally relatable. "A lot of times you look at people and think, 'They must never fail!' Ina [Garten] and Giada [De Laurentiis] are perfect," she exclaims. "But I'm the kind of person that posts picture on my blog when I mess up."

While rumors continue to swirl that Teigen is quite possibly being groomed for a long-term TV project, right now all this culinary star-in-the-making can think about is her impending wedding. She squirms in her seat at the mention of the word "fiancé," turning a pretty shade of pink when teased about her sudden loss for words. "It's too new," she protests as she rolls her eyes. "I'm not giving up 'boyfriend' yet!"

Not surprisingly, when talk of the wedding menu arises, she immediately perks up as suggestions are tossed around about food and (more importantly) drinks.  "I want everybody drunk," she deadpans. "A cocktail session before the ceremony, and in between the ceremony and reception as well."

In Chrissy Teigen's world, humor is a key ingredient to her recipe for her success. But ultimately the road ahead will need to be filled with delicious mix of food, fun, learning and love to make it a truly worthwhile proposition for both her and her fans alike.

Photographs by: Spencer Wohlrab

Produced by: Marni Golden

Art Director: Patrick Biesemans

Makeup by: Ashunta Sheriff using Dior Beauty at The Wall Group

Hair by: Charley Brown using Bumble and Bumble at Starworks Artists

Styled by: Dawnn Lee Mitchell

Location courtesy of the International Culinary Center

This post originally appeared at Stylecaster.

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