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The Most Popular Movie At SXSW Was Never Supposed to Get Made


short term 12 sxsw

"Short Term 12" was the most popular movie at South by Southwest, winning top awards from both the festival's jury and its audience.

Yet Destin Daniel Cretton’s second feature-length film, based loosely on his own experience working at a foster care facility, was never supposed to get made. Cretton had made a short, and that was supposed to be that.

“A lot of people said, ‘You have to have a feature version,’” Cretton told the rapturous crowd at the Topfer Theater in Austin last week. “I didn’t write the short to be a feature.”

After college, Cretton worked at the foster are home for a couple of years, stumbling into the position because he couldn’t find a job. “I was frightened of doing one thing to hurt the kids more and of the kids hurting me,” he told TheWrap.

One of the kids he worked with, he remembered, would beat up anyone who ever touched the top of his head.

"Every kid had these things deeply rooted in their past that were just frightening. But after three months of getting to know the kids I realized they were some of the smartest, most resilient people I have ever met," he said.

The short about his stint at the home won a Grand Jury Prize at Sundance in 2009, prompting the film-school graduate to begin work on a feature-length screenplay. He soon ran into a wall, frustrated that he seemed to be telling the same story all over again.

"Writing the first draft it felt like I was keeping characters the same and repeating things," Cretton said. "I couldn't do it."

So he decided to do something he'd never done before -- tell the story from a woman's perspective.

Also Read: SXSW: Jack Black Debuts ‘Ghost Ghirls’ – The Next ‘Girls’ or ‘Burning Love’?

The feature-length version stars Brie Larson as a young woman who has cauterized the wounds of her difficult upbringing, a youth curtailed by abuse both paternal and self-inflicted. She channels those experiences to help disadvantaged kids overcome their own adversities. 

“It felt scary because I hadn’t written from a female perspective,” Cretton said, but it also made the project feel fresh again.

"It made every scene new -- even some of the scenes that carried over from the short into the feature."

Though the story felt fresh to Cretton, it didn't make a difference to Hollywood. Traction Media's Asher Goldstein was committed, but though Cretton won a Nicholl Fellowship from the Academy for his script, the duo couldn't get additional money to fund production.

As part of winning the fellowship, he got money to write another script. So he wrote his debut feature, "I Am Not a Hipster," to shoot something right away when he couldn't get funding for "Short Term 12." "Hipster" debuted at Sundance in 2012 and finally earned the director financial support from Animal Kingdom for "Short Term 12."

There was only one casting hold-over from the initial short, Keith Stanfield (pictured left with Larson and Kaitlyn Dever), who plays an abused 17-year-old who raps in the movie. The actor also laid down some tracks for the film's soundtrack.

Unknown kids hold most of the supplementary roles. And then there's Larson, a star of recent Sundance breakout "The Spectacular Now."

Also Read: Shailene Woodley, Miles Teller Get Sundance Buzz for Teen Spirit in 'The Spectacular Now'

Her character Grace is at first unflappable. Whenever a kid misbehaves or appears traumatized, she has the perfect response, whether it’s a stern condemnation or an understanding conversation. That’s what makes her implosion so jarring.

“She transforms pretty incredibly and is just so unpredictable,” Cretton said. “I lucked out. It looks like I know how to direct, but these actors are just incredible.”

His family pitched in, too. Cretton relied on all of his sisters for insight into how women of a certain age act, think and feel.

"I very often heard, ‘Girls don’t talk like that. That’s you; that's not her,'" he said, stifling laughter.

While the writer and director was unwilling to praise himself for much of anything, others filled the void. Reviews have been reverential, and every media outlet in Austin seems to have anointed Larson the festival’s breakout star, something TheWrap predicted going into South by Southwest. 

In a year where critics hailed the strength of programming at South by Southwest, “Short Term 12” stood out. The question now is not if the film will get bought, but when.

"You'll definitely see us at festivals," Goldstein said after the screening. "The [sales] part we're handling."

He grinned.

"You'll see us again."

SEE ALSO: 20 directors you should follow on Twitter >

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Lindsay Lohan Chooses 90-Day Rehab Over Jail Time — Here's Today's Buzz


Lindsay Lohan court March 2013

SEE ALSO: Oscar producers say "everyone missed the joke" on "Boobs" song >

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Here's How You Can Get A Sneak Peek Of The Next 'Hobbit' Film


the hobbit desolation of smaug

The next installment of "The Hobbit" isn't out until December; however, you can get a sneak peek of the film this weekend.

Sunday, March 24 at 3 p.m. ET, Peter Jackson will be hosting a first look at "The Desolation of Smaug" at hobbit.com/sneak.  

The live event will also include a live Q&A with Jackson and fans. 

However, the only way you can gain access to the event is through a 12-digit code that comes inside the purchase of "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" Blu-ray pack out today. 

You can learn more about the event and how to send Jackson questions here

We took a look at the bonus content on the Blu-ray and for a nearly three-hour long film, there aren't any deleted or extended scenes.  

Other than the ability to get a sneak peek at the next film in the trilogy, it's a pretty barebones special features disc.  

Here's what's inside:  

New Zealand: Home of Middle-Earth

A 6:35 minute walk through the New Zealand locations used to depict Middle-Earth. 

10 Video Journals

Director Peter Jackson's 10 blog posts from the start of filming up until the world premiere December 14, 2012 that show location scouting, inside shoots on set, and post production in the editing rooms.  

This is the most interesting part of the featured content, but if you want to watch it, it's all available to view on Jackson's Facebook page. 

6 Movie Trailers

3 Game Trailers

The Hobbit: Kingdoms of Middle-Earth
Guardians of Middle-Earth
LEGO The Lord of the Rings

SEE ALSO: "The Hobbit" dwarves without their makeup >

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Selena Gomez And David Letterman Joke They've Both Made Justin Bieber Cry


Selena Gomez appeared on the "Late Show with David Letterman" Monday night to promote her latest film "Spring Breakers."

But the bit that got everyone talking was when she confirmed "I'm single ... I'm so good," after an on-again, off-again relationship with Justin Bieber.

Letterman then revealed that he once made Bieber cry on his show, to which Gomez deadpanned, "Well, then that makes two of us." 

Watch the zinger below.

SEE ALSO: How Justin Bieber went from squeaky clean to trouble teen >

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Jay Leno Calls NBC Execs 'Snakes' On 'The Tonight Show'


Jay Leno continues to take jabs at NBC

The New York Times reported the late-night host and NBC exec Robert Greenblatt have been exchanging emails over Leno's recent jokes about the network's failing ratings

However, Leno isn't showing any signs of putting a break on the jokes. 

During last night's monologue, Leno referred to the network heads as "snakes." 

Here's what he said:

"You know the whole legend of St. Patrick, right? St. Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland -- and then they came to the United States and became NBC executives. It's a fascinating story."

Check it out below: 

SEE ALSO: Selena Gomez and David Letterman joke about making Justin Bieber cry >

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'Spring Breakers' Is Already A Huge Hit


spring breakers

Harmony Korine's ode to debauchery and delinquent youth, Spring Breakers, opened in theaters this weekend. It did really well! It did well enough to warrant a separate report from our usual box office musings because, while it only opened in three theaters, it brought in an insane amount of money.

You only got to see Spring Breakers this weekend if you crammed into one of the three theaters in in New York or Los Angeles where it was playing, which happen to be among the biggest grossing theaters in the country: the ArcLight Hollywood in L.A. and the AMC Empire 25 in Times Square and the Regal Union Square in New York. Breakers pulled in $270,000 over the weekend, which averages out to about $90,000 per theater, and makes it the most successful limited release movie this year. It's drawing comparisons to the limited release performances of last year's The Master and Moonrise Kingdom, which were both big time awards movies, from Deadline's Brian Brooks

It also should be noted that Spring Breakers is already Harmony Korine's most successful movie to date by a mile, the L.A. Times' Amy Kaufman was quick to point out. While plenty of people have seen, or at least heard of, his other movies like Kids, no one really paid to see them. His highest grossing movie before Breakers only took in $167,396 -- like, in all. 

Spring Breakers got a boost from being one of the most blogged-about movies in recent memory. It also helps that the movies stars -- former teen and Disney starlets Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson, Rachel Korine -- have been everywhere. "The crowd this weekend was overwhelmingly young," Nicolette Aizenberg, a rep for Spring Breakers' distribution company A24, told the Times. "I think James Franco was a huge draw, and the girls have been everywhere. Selena’s fans are a little bit younger, so we didn’t go after them directly, but her audience still showed up." Oh yes, James Franco is also in this movie and he's really, really weird in it. Breakers' success is just the cherry on top of Franco's box office sundae, anyway -- he also stars in the movie that's dominated the box office over the last two weeks. We bow to thee, James Franco. You box office wizard, you.

Eyes will turn towards this weekend when Spring Breakers opens wide. The movie expands to 1,000 theaters in North America. Since it's already played at the highest grossing theaters in industry hotbeds of Los Angeles and New York, its per-screen average has nowhere but down to go. Still, it's a standard movie distribution stratagem that hopes buzz and strong box office there can help out in the rest of the country and even some places in Canada, which will get to finally get to watch this thing. An extra bonus? While the the films' budget isn't publicly available, The Hollywood Reporter says it only cost about $2 million to produce. That means it's looking like it's one its way to profitability and, depending on its performance next weekend, and even a decent moneymaker.

Want to add to this story? Let us know in comments or send an email to the author atconnorbsimpson@gmail.com. You can share ideas for stories on the Open Wire.

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Films Have A New Way To Raise Money, Thanks To 'Veronica Mars'


kristen bell veronica mars

"Veronica Mars" was able to do something no other cancelled show has ever done. 

The quirky Kristen Bell CW network cult favorite was able to raise $2 million on crowdsource site Kickstarter in ten short hours to bring a film to the big screen.

The project, which has now raised more than $3.6 million and still has 24 days to earn funds, was a last ditch effort by creator Rob Thomas to bring the show to the big screen. 

As a result of the film rocketing off, Warner Bros. Digital Distribution will manage the limited 2014 release of the film and pay for marketing, promotion, and distribution.  

The success of "Veronica Mars" on Kickstarter showed two things: there can be life for cancelled shows outside of getting revived. It also showed that with the right following, a film could become fully funded without a studio. 

And, now, other axed series, from ABC's "Pushing Daisies" to FX's "Terriers," have since been rumored to be next in line for a Kickstarter campaign. 

Business Insider spoke with Starlight Runner Entertainment CEO Jeff Gomez, who won't be surprised if we start to see similar projects.

"This is a significant milestone, particularly in the annals of what we call participative storytelling," says Gomez. "That community was empowered to express its love for the show in an incredibly tangible way. They became participants in the telling of the story. So the question isn't, can these events be replicated, so much as can they be replicated well? The answer is absolutely yes, but certain criteria have to be met."

According to Gomez, anyone hoping to follow suit should keep the following in mind:

1. The fan base needs to be there.

"They have to either be already self-organized or assembled by key creative stakeholders with great delicacy." says Gomez. 

2. Studios will have to participate respectfully, and with transparency. 

"They won't be able to change the rules along the way, or there'll be a scorched earth response and the property will suffer damage," says Gomez. "Love will have to be shown all the way down the line, or cynicism will creep in, and that's the great spoiler."

3. You can't pick any old series to resurrect.

"The target audience for "Veronica Mars" during its run are now twenty- and thirty-something. It was a smart show and these are reasonably successful people, as evidenced by the fact that the vast majority of the 55,000 contributors (so far!) pledged more than $35 per person," says Gomez. "So if the show was for little kids and cancelled a couple of years ago, you're not going to see the same results. Same on the flip side for a show from the early 1960s."

"Veronica Mars" isn't the first film to get funded through Kickstarter; however, it is the fastest film to reach $1 million on the site.

pushing daisiesPreviously, the only other video project to ever gain anywhere near as much traction was the second season of web series "Video Game High School." The YouTube video earned $808,000. 

"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" screenwriter Charlie Kaufman also raised more than $406,000 in 60 days on the site for his next project.

Don't expect a bunch of films to crop up for crowdsourcing on Kickstarter though.

Variety's Marc Graser pointed out that "Veronica Mars" was a huge missed opportunity for marketers, and that brand reps should now be in "panic mode to be ready for the next big opportunity to come along." 

Gomez also views brands as the way to go for future prospects hoping to follow suit.  

"This is a fantastic opportunity for brands and other sponsors to become involved. Carrying off a revival all by themselves is not necessarily a great idea, because there's a danger of it being perceived cynically, but I think there's a way to cross the streams, so to speak," says Gomez. "For studios and consumer brands to be an intrinsic part of this model can generate enormous good will, and in this day and age, good will has the potential to become extraordinarily profitable."

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The First Image Of Tina Fey On The Set Of The New 'Muppets' Movie



An image of Tina Fey on the set of the new muppets movie has made its way online

Fey will play a Russian prison guard in "The Muppets ... Again!" and the image shows her in full character.

UPDATE:Disney has since asked us to remove the image. You can still view it here

The image shows Fey with who appears to be Kermit. 

However, the plot would suggest it is instead the famous frog's lookalike Constantine, who will be a main adversary in the film. 

The sequel to the 2011 hit sees Kermit and the gang heading out on a global tour throughout Europe and will star Fey, Ricky Gervais, and Ty Burrell.

The new film hits theaters March 21, 2014.

(h/t to Stitch Kingdom who spotted the image)

SEE ALSO: Here's how to get a sneak peek of the next "Hobbit" film >

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The Israeli Army Is NOT Happy About Bar Refaeli's Pro-Israel Ad


bar refaeli military army gq

The Israeli Foreign Ministry picked supermodel Bar Refaeli as the face of its new ad campaign, and the Israeli Defence Force is not happy about it.

Why? The Sports Illustrated bikini model dodged Israel's mandatory, two-year military service.

IDF spokesman Brigadier General Yoav Mordechai explained in a letter to the Foreign Ministry Director that:

"The choice of a representative who did not serve in the military as an official presenter on behalf of Israel, conveys the message that we ignore and forgive evasion of enlistment, and encourages identification, among youths of both sexes, with the success of those who did not enlist ... The IDF has been operating, in the last few years, in a variety of ways, to strengthen the value of IDF service, and to fight the phenomenon of enlistment evasion, in order to preserve the societal value that sees the IDF as the people's army.”

Refaeli has spoken out about skipping out on service. According to Jewish news site Ynet, Refaeli briefly married a friend to evade the draft:

“I really wanted to serve in the IDF, but I don’t regret not enlisting, because it paid off big time,” she told a reporter. “That’s just the way it is, celebrities have other needs. I hope my case has influenced the army.

This isn't the first time Refaeli has come under fire for dodging the draft. A boycott was organized in 2008 after the model was picked to be the face of Israel-based fashion chain Fox. The situation was smoothed over after she agreed to visit injured soldiers for the brand and encourage people to enlist in the army.

In 2010, the IDF also called on citizens to boycott items that were endorsed by celebrities who didn't serve in the military, Haaretz reports. Major General Avi Zamir told students at Herzliya simply that "Bar Refaeli shouldn't appear in ads. And if she does, then don’t buy the products. That's the answer."

But Refaeli isn't put off by the IDF's strong response to her pro-Israeli campaign.

She responded by posting a picture to her Instagram asking President Barack Obama to free convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard with a message that translates in English to: "You can use the clip for the Foreign Ministry or drop it, but my Instagram feed has more readers than Israel’s most popular newspaper."bar refaeli instagram pollard israel

SEE ALSO: EMAIL: Adman Quits Over 'Moral Objections' To Work For Al Jazeera>

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Voice Of Elmo Now Accused Of Luring Underage Boys With 'Crystal Meth Sex Parties'


elmo kevin clash

Just four months after resigning as the voice of Elmo on "Sesame Street" amid accusations that he had sex with underage boys, Kevin Clash is now facing allegations that he sexually abused and drugged a minor.

Sheldon Stephens is claiming that when he was 16-years-old, he was taken to Clash's New York City apartment by a chauffeured limo.

"While there, he alleges Clash smoked crystal meth during their sexual escapades. He says Clash also gave him poppers to intensify the experience," reports TMZ. "And, Stephens says, the chauffeur was in on it ..."

According to the lawsuit obtained by E! Online, the complaint states that Clash "showered Stephens with affection and attention" before the puppeteer supposedly smoked crystal meth and gave Stephens "poppers."

Stephens says the sexual contact began when he was underage and that he did not know the actions were harmful at the time, so he is seeking compensatory and punitive damages, along with reimbursement of costs and attorney fees.

Clash and Stephens had previously reached a settlement, but, according to TMZ, "Stephens disavowed it because it had a provision requiring him to say he was making the allegations up. The settlement money was never paid, and that's why Stephens filed the lawsuit."

Clash's attorney released a statement addressing Stephens' lawsuit:

"Sheldon Stephens has already admitted in writing that he had 'an adult consensual relationship' with Mr. Clash ... Mr. Clash continues to deny any wrongdoing, and we intend to defend this case forcefully."

SEE ALSO: Voice of Elmo resigns as second underage sex accuser comes forward >

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Andy Dick Is Shockingly Good On 'Dancing With The Stars'


andy dick dancing with the stars abc

You may have been too busy watching fancy fare like Top of the Lake or Bates Motel to care, really, but the 16th season of Dancing with the Stars premiered last night.

This go-around features your fit Olympians, Aly Raisman and Dorothy Hamill; your professional reality star Bachelor, Sean Lowe; and, naturally, Andy Dick, who may just be the show's breakout star. So there's that.

Yes, Dick, the actor and "comedian" probably best known for his innumerable drug problems and various outbursts, is being hailed as the underdog of the season. The New York Post ran with the headline: "Can Andy Dick Save 'Dancing with The Stars?'" Which, no, but okay.  

Dick's message on the show was all apologies and redemption—this coming from the man who Jon Lovitz has held responsible for Phil Hartman's death—but he apparently impressed the judges, landing in second to last place. Judge Carrie Ann Inaba told him, per the Post's Sean Daly, that there is something "charming" about him. ("Charming" is a turnaround for the man whose name is associated with public urination and anti-semitic tirades.) She continued: "You reminded me of watching the ugly duckling come to life. You touched me with that dance." 

Even Entertainment Weekly recapper Annie Barrett was impressed, even though she writes that Dick's segment started out as kind of depressing: "But the depressing part melted away during their foxtrot—turns out Andy Dick really is taking this seriously and has…wait for it…a decent sense of rhythm!" 

Daley posits that Dick's presence, good or bad, might help boost ratings, given that he's something of a loose cannon to put it lightly. So America, or at least the portion of America who watches DWTS, are you ready to let Andy Dick back into your hearts? Was he ever in your hearts? (Probably not, right?) 

You can him rehearsing here:

SEE ALSO: Movies have a new way to make money, thanks to "Veronica Mars" >

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Get To Know John Oliver: The Man Taking Over Jon Stewart's 'Daily Show' Gig


Daily SHow Jon Stewart John Oliver

When Jon Stewart, 50, takes a 12-week-long hiatus from "The Daily Show" this summer to shoot his new movie "Rosewater" overseas, it's "Senior British Correspondent" John Oliver, 35, who will take over his hosting duties.

Oliver joined the Comedy Central show in 2006 fresh off the boat from England, where he was performing at comedy festivals and co-hosting a popular political radio show for the BBC.

But since his rise to fame in the states as a critic of American culture on "The Daily Show," little else is known about the funnyman from across the pond.

Get to know John Oliver >

"[Oliver] quickly established himself as a favorite, both with the show’s audience and with Mr. Stewart," writes the New York Times. "But replacing Mr. Stewart for such an extended period of time is a risk for 'The Daily Show,' which has only rarely relied on a substitute host in the past."

In fact, it's the first time in Stewart's 14 years as the show's host that he has taken an extended  period of time away.

When Stewart acted in films in the past (don't forget about his role in Adam Sandler's 1999 film "Big Daddy"), Stephen Colbert and Steve Carell, among others, have sat in for him.

For Colbert, the extra "Daily Show" screen time was career-launching, leading him to have his own successful Comedy Central show "The Colbert Report" from 2005-2012.

In 2008, Colbert's ratings even rose as Stewart's fell following how each show handled the Hollywood writer's strike.

"Jon Stewart's ratings have suffered from his long layoff, while Colbert Nation is only getting bigger," Vulture reported at the time. Colbert went on to win five primetime Emmy Awards.

While Comedy Central and "The Daily Show" won't yet comment on Oliver's casting or how the show may look different come summer, looks like this is just the beginning for John Oliver.

April 23rd, 1977: John was born in in Birmingham, England, to two teachers.

1998: John graduated from Christ's College, Cambridge, where he studied English and was VP of the Cambridge Footlights — an amateur theater club.

2001: John first appeared at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe as part of The Comedy Zone, a late-night showcase of newer acts.

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This 'Walking Dead' Actress Is Much Older Than You Think


If you watch "The Walking Dead," you're familiar with the character of Beth.

She's the 16-year-old farmer's daughter on the AMC hit zombie series.

beth the walking dead

the walking dead beth

And, from the looks of it, you'd have no reason to believe she isn't a teenager herself.

beth the walking dead

In real life, Beth is portrayed by actress Emily Kinney, and though her youthful looks may pin her as no older than 20, she's actually old enough to be dating her on-screen sister's boyfriend Glenn (Steven Yeun) who is 29.

beth walking dead.JPG

the walking dead maggie glenn

So, just how old is "The Walking Dead" actress?

She's actually 27.

emily kinney

Kinney started acting in 2007.

For the past five years, she's made appearances in "Law & Order: Criminal Intent," "The Good Wife," and "The Big C."

While we were at New York Comic Con this past October, 13-year-old actor Chandler Riggs who plays Carl on the series hinted there may be a budding relationship between the two in the future; however, after learning her age we're pretty sure there's a fat chance of that happening. 

SEE ALSO: 13 things we learned about the upcoming episodes of "The Walking Dead" >

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Lindsay Lohan Is Not Impressed In Her 7th Mug Shot—Here's Today's Buzz


lindsay lohan

Lindsay Lohan's seventh mug shot was taken yesterday after the actress turned herself over for booking. Only six have been released to the public.

"Game of Thrones" creator George R.R. Martin will make a cameo in the new season. The HBO series returns March 31.  

"Homeland" executive producer Henry Bromell passed away at 65 

News ratings have taken a tumble since Daylight Savings. NBC's "Nightly News" and ABC's "World News" lost a million viewers, while "CBS Evening News" lost 600,000 in week-to-week comparisons.

New York City Opera and BAM will present seven performances of an Anna Nicole Smith opera starting September 17.

After 80 years, Daily Variety is ending its print edition with its final copy out today.

The first full-length trailer for "Despicable Me 2" is out. Check it out below:

SEE ALSO: The actress who plays Beth on "The Walking Dead" is much older than you think >

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Now Hiring: MBA Internship In Social Media Analytics At Business Insider


business insider, bi office profile, bi, may 2012, dngLearn about how social media impacts the media business in Business Insider’s internship program.  We’re the fastest growing business news site on the web, and social media has been an integral part of our success. We’re working on some exciting new projects and need assistance in a number of business and analytics-related tasks, including:

  • Gathering and crunching data and reports from our web site, apps, various social media sources (and anything else we can get our hands on)
  • Finding and presenting insights into social media’s impact on publishing
  • Keeping an eye on what others are doing in this space (and separating the crazy from the innovative) 
  • Work with partners and vendors 
  • Support our editorial and business teams on social media-related projects


  • Understand how social media drives audiences to news media and brands
  • Know and like Excel (you will spend a lot of time in it)
  • Familiarity with analytics and reporting tools/software (Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, etc.) is a big plus
  • Be able to clearly communicate results and ideas

Our offices are in Manhattan so only local candidates should apply. The program is for Spring/Summer, with a potential extension into fall (part-time in Spring, full-time in Summer would be ideal). 

If this sounds like a semester well spent, email your resume to mktgjobs@businessinsider.com. Thanks in advance.

SEE ALSO: Business Insider Is Hiring A Marketing Designer

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The Science Behind What Makes Something Go Viral


What's the secret formula behind why the Harlem Shake and Gangnam Style went viral? How do you land a spot on the New York Times' "Most-Emailed" articles list?

Wharton Marketing Professor Jonah Berger set out to answer these questions in his new book, Contagious: Why Things Catch On.

"It's not luck, it's not random, it's not cats," he says. "There's a science behind it. We have to understand the psychology and the social transmission process."

Berger was inspired by Malcolm Gladwell's "The Tipping Point," which is also about how ideas spread, but says "that book is sort of half wrong." The concept of reaching a few influencers is compelling, he explains, but to make something go viral you need to focus more on the message itself.

Watch our conversation here:


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FilmDistrict Hopes Vine Will Make Gerard Butler's Next Film More Popular


olympus has fallen

FilmDistrict is turning to audiences for help marketing its new film, the Gerard Butler action thriller “Olympus Has Fallen.” The independent distributor will release brief videos of reactions to early screenings of the film using Vine, Twitter’s video sharing app.

FilmDistrict has taken footage from its screenings at cities nationwide between March 7 and 21 and hopes the videos will generate buzz on social media for the film, which opens March 22.

The film stars Butler as a former special forces operative turned Secret Service agent who gets demoted after an accident. When a terrorist captures the White House, holding the President (Aaron Eckhart) hostage, he must help reclaim the White House.

Butler could use a boost at the box office. He hasn't starred in a hit since 2010, when he joined Jennifer Aniston in "The Bounty Hunter."

Since then? A Shakespeare adaptation, "Machine Gun Preacher," surfing flop "Chasing Mavericks," "Playing for Keeps" and comedy mishmash "Movie 43." 

This is the second time in the past month that a small film distributor has experimented with Vine. Oscilloscope Laboratories, the company co-founded by late Beastie Boy Adam Yauch, decided to release “It’s a Disaster” on Vine in advance of its VOD release.

Though even those at Oscilloscope had a sense of humor about the effort, which was announced with a tongue-in-cheek press release, the company did want to explore how a studio could use this new service to build awareness.

So guys, what’s next? 

SEE ALSO: The most popular movie at SXSW was never supposed to get made >

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Lucasfilm Made An Awesome 'Star Wars' March Madness Bracket


If you're not into basketball, Lucasfilm has made an awesome interactive "Star Wars" March Madness bracket.

The bracket pits the light side against the dark side of the force. Unsurprisingly, Jar Jar Binks is no where to be found, and, somehow, Luke Skywalker isn't a number one seed.

Users can vote at StarWars.com daily to decide who moves forward.

Check it out below: 

star wars march madness

Lucasfilm also released a video promoting the "Star Wars" character tournament:

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How The NYSE Became The Biggest Stage For Financial News


The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on Wall Street may date back to the Buttonwood Agreement signed in Manhattan in 1792, but there is nothing dated about its state of the art broadcast operation.

Home to over 30 daily broadcasters, NYSE Euronext has become one of the largest and most sophisticated television studios in the world.

The first live video report from the NYSE was in 1987, when CNN sent Jan Hopkins to report live during the stock market crash of that year. The next year the NYSE established its broadcast and multimedia center, which still coordinates all the newscasts from the Exchange.

But reporters were still not able to report live from the floor.

Then in 1995 Maria Bartiromo from CNBC became the first reporter to go live to TV from the floor of the NYSE, marking the beginning of a new era as reporters and traders began to interact regularly during the day and on the news. 

In the past couple years electronic trading has reduced the need for physical traders on the floor, and newscasters have taken over the floor of the Exchange.

CNBC has its own elaborate set in the place where one of the trading posts stood, and over 30 broadcasters report live from the floor every day, not to mention the many smaller outlets that also cover the Exchange and utilize its multimedia center.

The evolution of media and technology has transformed the NYSE into the biggest stage for business news. We spoke with journalists on the floor and the people behind the NYSE Multimedia Center about how media reporting from the floor has changed over time and what lies ahead:


Produced by Daniel Goodman and Kamelia Angelova

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Tiger Woods: I Posted Those Facebook Photos With Lindsey Vonn To Crush The Paparazzi


tiger woods with lindsey vonn

When Tiger Woods decided to post glamour shot photos of him and his new ladyfriend, Lindsey Vonn, it was unexpected. 

Woods is normally very private. This very public declaration of his personal life didn't make sense. And, frankly, the whole thing just seemed weird.

Today, during a press conference at the Arnold Palmer Invitational at Bay Hill, he explained why he did it.

Basically, he wanted to take money out of the pocket of paparazzi who were stalking him.

"It's very simple. We're very happy where we're at, but also we wanted to limit the stalkarazzi and all those sleazy websites that are out there following us,'' Woods said, according to ESPN.

Last night, Fox Sports' Robert Lusetich reported Woods has been surreptitiously seeing Vonn since November. During that time, photographers have been trying desperately to get photos of the pair together.

Lusetich estimates the first photos of Vonn and Woods could have fetched $500,000 from tabloids.

By preempting the paparazzi from getting the first photos of the couple, Woods and Vonn popped the market. The hope is that they'll be left alone now.

"I've had situations where it's been very dangerous for my kids and the extent they'll go to. We basically devalued the first photos," he said, according to ESPN, "Unfortunately, that's just the way it is in our society right now, and we felt like it was the best thing to do. I'm very happy about it.''

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