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Why Drew Barrymore Decided To Raise Her Daughter Jewish


Drew Barrymore Will KopelmanDrew Barrymore will be raising her daughter, Olive, with some challah and Manischewitz.

The 37-year-old new mom says her husband Will Kopelman, an art consultant, is “a nice Jewish man from a nice Jewish family" and she has fully embraced his culture.

Barrymore is so on board with Judaism that she has even decided to raise her daughter in  the religion.

“I’m a shiksa. I do the seders and we do Passover. I haven’t converted yet, [but] Olive will be raised traditionally,” Barrymore said on a recent episode of "The View." “We had a very traditional wedding ceremony with Rabbi Rubenstein and I did the ketubah. We wore the yarmulkes and we did the chuppah.”

Barrymore is even singing the religion's praises, adding: "I love it! It’s a beautiful faith and I’m so honored to be around it. It’s so family-oriented … The stories are so beautiful and it’s incredibly enlightening. I’m really happy.”

But when it comes to discipline, don't expect the former wild child to be easy on her daughter.

“I was such a hippie growing up, but I’m like the least loosey-goosey parent," Barrymore told the women of "The View." "I’m like, ‘Bedtime, structure, feeding time’ because this baby is so happy knowing when everything is happening. And I as a parent succeed and thrive knowing when everything is happening [under] that type of structure.”

“I grew up very differently, which was really fun," Barrymore says of her childhood in the spotlight. "But I think kids need structure so I would not just throw caution to the wind and hope everything works out. I will make sure that it does in a very timely manner."

Watch the full interview below:

SEE ALSO: Former model reveals what it was like to sleep with Richard Gere & Robert De Niro >

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Why Pornhub's 'Rejected' Super Bowl Ad Is Likely A Bogus Stunt


pornhub rejected super bowl ad 2013

Pornhub is making headlines for announcing that it's incredibly mild "Super Bowl ad," featuring an elderly couple looking lovingly into each others' eyes on an idyllic park bench, was rejected by CBS.

While many believe the hype that big, bad CBS blocked  poor, well intentioned Pornhub's G-rated spot, the fact is that this is more likely a cheap stunt to get free publicity: There's no way this ad could have played in the Super Bowl. It's not even the right length.

Super Bowl spots are sold in 30-second increments. This year, those half-minute spots went for a hefty average of $3.8 million — although one advertiser spent more than $4 million. Pornhub's ad is 20-seconds long ... which simply makes no sense.

Pornhub's press release states that "a CBS spokesperson offered this brief response via email to the website's proposal: "CBS Television Network Standards do not permit advertising related to pornography. Therefore, we cannot accept your submission."

This is well known to everyone in the ad industry, and thus Pornhub could not have expected CBS to say yes. It's highly unlikely that the company had any intention of shelling out the millions to play this spot.

Promoting an ad as a "banned" spot is an increasingly popular marketing technique.

In fact, dating site "Big and Beautiful" claimed that NBC Sports rejected its ad in 2012 for featuring a plus-sized model in its scandalous ad. The network told us that the site never even sent in an official request to buy a spot.

Adultery dating site Ashley Madison has also claimed to have submitted ads that were banned by Super Bowl bigwigs.

But it is a decent publicity strategy.

"I remember one year when the networks wouldn't allow one of the Bud Light spots in the game, so Bud actually released it online as, 'the Super Bowl ad the networks wouldn't let you see,'" Tanin Blumberg,an account director at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners and Budweiser Super Bowl ad veteran, told BI. "It was pretty smart ... got about 1 million views on YouTube in just a few days."

Pornhub is asking users to vote on whether or not they believe the tame ad should air or not.

Pornhub did not respond immediately to a request for comment.

Watch the ad below:

SEE ALSO: Is Volkswagen's Super Bowl Ad Racist?

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Why Lady Gaga Just Lost 156 Million YouTube Views



When YouTube slashed views on its site back in December, celebrities paid the price. 

Since then Lady Gaga is down 156 million views on YouTube.  

Beyoncé and Chris Brown are also among a number of celebrities who lost views on their channels.  

A month ago, the streaming site purged video views on both Universal and Sony channels by two billion. 

The views weren't fake, rather, Billboard confirmed that YouTube removed the views as part of a site clean up.  

While around 1.5 million of the views were deleted through a de-spamming which accounts for videos on auto-play and pop-ups, most of the lost views came from videos that were no longer active on celebrity channels after they transitioned to a new home on VEVO.  

Since YouTube and VEVO are partner sites the old YouTube videos were no longer being used by the artists on their site. 

SEE ALSO: What the Rhino's role in "The Amazing Spider-Man" sequel may entail >

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How Kari Feinstein Gets Brands To Pay $40K To Give Celebrities Diamonds And Caribbean Vacations


Kari Feinstein gifting lounge Sundance

The Sundance Film Festival wrapped up this weekend and not only did many films come out with distributors, but celebrities walked away with a boat-load of free swag.

Stars who attended this year's festival — whether to promote a film like Naomi Watts or to party like Paris Hilton — received free trips to the Caribbean, beauty products, electric bicycles, flat screen TVs, Samsung tablets, head phones, jewelry, winter jackets and more.

We spoke with Kari Feinstein, founder of Kari Feinstein PR, who puts on elite annual gifting suites for Sundance, Golden Globes, Oscars, MTV Movie Awards and the Emmys to find out exactly what it takes to pair A-list talent with quality brands.

Business Insider: This is your 12th year doing a gifting suite at Sundance. Tell us your company's role in getting certain brands into the hands of celebrities. 

Kari Feinstein: I do gifting suites year round, I do them five to six times a year so product seeding is a core part of my business for my retainer clients and celebrity endorsement deals but then we also do the style lounges. 

BI: How do you choose your clients? How do you get certain brands involved?

KF: We have sponsorship decks that, because we do these all year round, we have brands asking me what do you have for the Summer? What do you have for Sundance? So I have a lot of people that reach out to me. I work with a lot of other PR companies and I work with some advertising agencies as well that have clients, but we go out to companies that we think would be a good fit, and we also have people that come to us and want to sign up for the events.

Sundance Gifting SuiteBI: What brands did you work with this year at Sundance?

KF: Built, they're out of New York, they're one of our bigger sponsors and they make laptop cases and iPad cases, all out of waterproof material. It protects all of your electronics and that’s been a big hit because everyone has an iPad and a laptop. Then we have a handful of beauty lines, a bicycle worth $3,000, and $1,200 Apple laptops from Melrose Mac, which got like 10 press hits already over the past two days.

BI: How many trips to the Caribbean did you give away at Sundance?

KF: We’ve probably given away 25 trips. Katherine Heigl, Matthew Mcconaughey, Paris Hilton, Adrian Grenier, Allison Janey, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Casey Affleck are among the stars we gave vacation packages to this year.

Naomi Watts Samsung Sundance Gifting Suite

BI: Can you put a dollar amount on the cost of free swag celebrities walk away with in one visit?

KF: An A-list celebrity will walk out with over $10,000 for sure, because they're getting trips to the Caribbean for a week, which is already 

worth over $5,000. They're getting Apple laptops which are worth $1,200 dollars. From bikes we're giving to top talent worth $3,000 to high ticket items, because you need to have things that entice them. 

BI: Are there any celebrities you don't want in the suite? 

Paris Hilton Sundance Gifting Suite

KF: Usually a publicist will submit names. We deal with all the publicists and agents and managers before the event and invites go out saying please submit your client for our upcoming event, so they know it's not 'invite your client' it's 'submit your client.' We do the filtering process and start approving names that make sense. There is a lot of up and coming talent at Sundance that aren’t exactly household names, but if they're one of the leads in one of the main films then of course we’d love to have them come.

But there’s some people that come up to Sundance every year that aren’t really related to the festival in anyway but just come for the free stuff. I usually try to avoid them and decline and we say “unfortunately we can’t accommodate your client at this time” — we do that a lot. If you’re a main role in a Sundance film or if you're an A-list actor then I would rather have quality versus quantity. I know there’s a lot of other lounges going on which is kind of like a party atmosphere, but ours is a fun, mellow, atmosphere. It's like a lounge so I try to be really specific with the guest list. 

BI: How exclusive and hard is it for a brand to get a spot in one of these gifting suites?

KF: If it’s a brand I think celebrities would like, then I take them into the event. But we have a range, from trips to the Caribbean to these hemp socks that have marijuana leaves on them.

Kourtney Kardashian Pregnant Us WeeklyBI: Other than obviously these brands getting great press from you guys is there any financial benefit or is it strictly press they're after? 

KF: A lot of the celebrity photos get utilized for sale purposes, like when brands have trade shows. Brands also send the photos and press hits to all of their existing accounts and potential new accounts. I’ve had many sponsors open new accounts now that they have a celebrity following.

US Weekly, for example, won’t write about your brand unless you have a handful of A-list celebrity photos and followers. So when somebody can go back and say, 'Here’s my picture of Matthew Mcconaughey using my brand, and Katherine Heigl' and they get placed in US weekly — Those press hits generate tons of sales. And we have celebrities tweeting and instagramming pictures. Jewelry by Veronique had a celebrity [Kourtney Kardashian] take a picture of somebody wearing her necklace and in one day this small brand did over five thousand dollars in sales.

Paris Hilton tweeted a picture using one of the beauty products from the Sundance lounge before she went to bed and that’s kind of priceless. If sponsors wanted to pay her to do that it would of cost them over six or seven figures, but they paid $20,000 to be here and things are coming out every hour. So it's actually saving companies money for product placement.

BI: So sponsors pay you to put their product in your gifting suite? What is that investment usually worth?

KI: Yes, they pay me. For Sundance, the sponsorships range from $20,000 to $100,000, but I would say the majority of our sponsors pay between the $20 - $40,000 range.

Sundance PartyBI: Is it the same price range at other gifting suites throughout the year?

KF: For L.A. events such as the Golden Globes and Oscars, it ranges from $5,000 to $40,000. So some smaller brands can do the $5,000 level, while some bigger brands that have bigger budgets want to be exclusive in their brand category with types of brands that are like them. They want a bigger a booth at the event, so they’ll pay the $20,000 and up as a sponsorship fee.

For Oscars it starts at $5,000 and goes to $40,000. So if I have 20 sponsors paying a range of those fees there’s a nice profit for me. I think why I’ve been in business so long doing this is because I have a consistent good celebrity turnout and press coverage keeps it going and helps sign new sponsors. When other companies read about my event they want to sign up for the next one. And what is really key for me is having the right celebrities and the right press coverage. 

graff booth babes diamonds BI: When you do an Oscar lounge, that’s the biggest entertainment event of the year, what’s the difference between the product brands are giving out there and at the more low key Sundance Film Festival?

KF: Oscars we’ll have a lot more jewelry, fine diamonds. We have a company that’s doing cutlery that’s very expensive, but we do still have lifestyle and fun grabs there too.

BI: How does your company benefit financially? 

KF: The sponsorship fees help pay for the cost of the venue, the production of the event, my staff, and so we obviously have to make sure for each event we bring enough sponsorship money to cover all the costs and make it worthwhile. 

BI: What’s your background? How did you get into gift lounges?

KF: My first job was at CAA,. It was a big talent agency and I worked for two agents who repped a lot of A-list celebrities and I made a lot of connections and contacts that way. Then I started a PR company when I was 23-years-old and our first client was E! Entertainment and they hired me to do their event at Sundance and we did all the product placement and celebrity outreach and we did a gift bag sort of thing and we got photos of celebrities taken with the product and there wasn’t gifting suites at the time.

chateau marmontI decided that for the Emmys, I would do a gifting suite on a large scale because so many brands were so excited when I sent them those photos of celebrities using their product. The only gifting suites that were happening were maybe two brands at a hotel room displaying fine jewelry brand and a dress company for the red carpet and it was mostly stylists coming through and a celebrity here or there to look at the dresses but it was all for borrow, for loan.

So what I did in 2001 was take over a few bungalows at the Chateau Marmont and brought in 15-20 companies. It was the first time there were ever gifting suites on a bigger scale, so it spiraled from there. Some other companies came up that replicated what I was doing — some were successful and some were not and they’ve kind of disappeared through the years.

Now check out all the free swag celebrities got at Sundance > 

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Ashton Kutcher: Playing Steve Jobs Was 'Terrifying'


ashton kutcher as steve jobs

The 34-year-old actor helped unveil the premiere of the biopic jOBS on Friday at the closing film of the Sundance Film Festival in Utah.

Kutcher plays the Apple Inc. founder Steve Jobs from the company's humble origins in the 1970s until the launch of the first iPod in 2001. A digital entrepreneur himself, Kutcher said he considers Jobs a personal hero -- and knows he's opened himself up to criticism.

"It's really scary when everyone has a right to be like a legitimate critic. Because he was very public. There are people here who probably know him way better than I do, who shook his hand, knew him, hung out with him. So that's terrifying. Especially when you're playing somebody that people really admired," Kutcher said.

The actor watched "hundreds of hours of footage," listened to Jobs' past speeches and interviewed several of his friends to prepare for the role.

Kutcher was up to the challenge of playing Jobs, who died in October 2011, in part because of his admiration for the man who created the Macintosh computer and the iPod.

"I don't know if there's ever been an entrepreneur who's had more compassion and care for his consumer than Steve Jobs," Kutcher said. "He wanted to put something in your hand that you could use and you could use it easily... and he really cared about that."

jOBS will be released in the next few months.

Contains video from APTN

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Netflix Explains Why It's Releasing All 14 New Episodes Of 'Arrested Development' At Once


reed hastings netflix

When "House of Cards" debuts February 1 and "Arrested Development" later in May, Netflix plans to roll out all of its new content in one day.  

So, instead of one new episode of "Arrested Development," we'll be spoiled with all 14. 

The idea seems risky, giving viewers no incentive to come back at any other time after they've finished viewing.  

However, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings defends its roll-out distribution in the company's Q4 Investor's Letter as the future of television as we know it: 

"Imagine if books were always released one chapter per week, and were only briefly available to read at 8pm on Thursday. And then someone flipped a switch, suddenly allowing people to enjoy an entire book, all at their own pace. That is the change we are bringing about. That is the future of television.That is Internet TV." 

It's not the first time Netflix has done this either. When the streaming site debuted its first original "Lilyhammer" it also released every episode at once. The show didn't create big buzz; however, that may not be solely due to the quick rollout.

When online streaming sites like Netflix have to compete with Hulu, Amazon Prime, HBOGo, and television itself, Netflix believes the answer is offering more content faster to the individual down the line.

SEE ALSO: How Netflix plans to raise $400 million in debt>

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Top CIA Officials To Bigelow: Our Torture Boxes Were Bigger


Zero Dark Thirty

Top CIA officials have weighed in on Zero Dark Thirty. Their conclusion: Kathryn Bigelow simply did not correctly portray the Agency's torture box — the real torture box is much more comfortable.

Yes, three top spooks — Gen. Michael Hayden, former director of the CIA, John Rizzo, former deputy counsel of the CIA, and Jose Rodriguez, the former director of the National Clandestine Service at the CIA — Speaking at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington outlined the inaccuracies behind Bigelow's film.

Let's start with the torture box, into which Bigelow shows agents stuffing a "detainee" as if he were a carry-on bag.

From Elizabeth Flock's article about the talk in U.S. New and World Report:

Among the techniques shown is putting the detainee inside a box barely big enough for him to fit when it was closed.

The former CIA lawyer also took issue with the portrayal of "the box." While he acknowledged that the technique was "not pleasant," Rizzo noted that the CIA often used a much larger box in which detainees could stand, and that the smaller box the agency employed was not the same size as the one portrayed in the film.

As if exaggerating the size of the box wasn't enough, she totally got the torture wrong. It was much more controlled and measured, say the spooks.

From the report:

Enhanced interrogation of detainees post-9/11, he said, mostly lasted just a few days, or in the case of more high profile terrorists, a few weeks.

"But it was a finite amount of time ... "

... until they hit Guantanamo, which is in-de-finite.

The agents say eventually Khalid Sheik Muhammad figured out that the CIA was only allowed to waterboard for ten seconds stints, and that he would hold his fingers "up to 10 to let us know that the time was up," said Rodriguez.

It's at this point in the report that things get a bit weird:

Rodriguez also argued that the film failed to note why torture was effective.

These tactics [were effective] on all al-Qaeda members because "they would not be expected by Allah to go beyond their capabilities."

"I was not trying to prove the point that what we were doing was universally applicable for all detainees and circumstances," said Hayden. "It was particularly well-suited to this group."

So, in summation, torture doesn't work the same on South American protestants.

Then this gem:

"They would become compliant" and share the information they had with the agency, he said.

"And they'd do so without sin," added Hayden.

This narrative, the former CIA chief told the audience, was important for his own soul-searching after a CIA Inspector General report in 2009 was critical of the techniques used.

Also not true was the portrayal of Agent Jennifer Matthews, whose eagerness led to the deaths of herself and six other agents (and a handful military operators). Yes, she was "haunted" by missing bin Laden in the 90s, but according to them, she was a "wonderful agent who" was into "hunting bin Laden before it was cool."

They did say there were two things Bigelow got right: that women spearheaded the intelligence effort, and that Bigelow pretty much got the narrative right — that is, the CIA got bin Laden.

SEE ALSO:  Jon Stewart bombed a big interview on drones >

SEE ALSO:  The Military & Defense Facebook page for updates >

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2013 — The Year Ahead In Mobile [SLIDE DECK]


internet device shipmentsWith 2012 receding in the rear-view mirror, what are the major trends shaping the mobile narrative this year?

We at BI Intelligence looked over the year-end data to highlight the trends we think will underpin the mobile industry in 2013.

We've posted the deck below. We hope you enjoy it.

BI Intelligence is a new research and analysis service focused on mobile computing and the Internet. Subscribers can download the entire deck as a PDF or PowerPoint, as well as any of the individual charts from the presentation. Please sign up for a free trial here.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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Kate Upton Appears For Only 5 Seconds In Mercedes' Super Bowl Ad


kate upton mercedes

Mercedes has released an extended, 1 minute, 50-second version of its Super Bowl ad, starring Kate Upton. The brand stuck to its promise of not portraying Upton in a bikini or otherwise baring lot of flesh: She's seen wearing a white dress at a red carpet event.

But she's only on-screen for a few brief moments, about 5 seconds in all.

Of course, Mercedes did have "her washing" a Merc CLA in shorts for a teaser ad.

The real star of the ad is actor Willem Defoe, who plays Satan attempting to persuade a man in a bar to sell his soul for the car. We won't spoil the ending. The music for the ad is The Rolling Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil."

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Jason London's Mug Shot Is As 'Dazed & Confused' As What He Told Cops — Here's Today's Buzz


Jeremy London Mug shot


SEE ALSO: Netflix explains why it's releasing all 14 "Arrested Development" episodes at once >

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How To Make A Hit Super Bowl Commercial


Advertisers spend millions of dollars for 30 seconds of precious Super Bowl air time every year.

With over 100 million people watching, advertisers need to make a killer commercial to get their money's worth.

This is how a hit Super Bowl commercial gets made:


Produced by William Wei

SEE ALSO: The 3 Best Super Bowl Ads Ever

SEE ALSO: ... And The 3 Worst Super Bowl Ads Ever

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Here's What 'Downton Abbey' Would Look Like As A Video Game

Alicia Keys One Year Ago: 'I've Become An iPhone Junky!'


Singer Alicia Keys is now a BlackBerry employee. She has been hired as Global Creative Director.

Apparently, she wasn't always a BlackBerry fan. She was once an "iPhone junky."

Here's what was posted from her Google+ account on January 6 last year:

alicia keys iphone

It appears that she was tweeting from an iPhone as recently as five days ago — via @munale:

alicia keys twitter

And her official Twitter account uses Instagram to share all of its photos — an app that's not available on BlackBerry.

alicia keys

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It Costs Millions Of Dollars To Live Like Scott Disick


Scott Disick Kourtney Kardashian

Reality TV star Scott Disick may wake up with a shower and end the day with "Seinfeld" re-runs like the rest of us, but in between those two activities he leads a multi-million dollar life of luxury.

The three cars he chooses between to drive every day alone cost $1,200,000. Add another million for the watch around his wrist, not to mention his dapper, designer wardrobe.

Disick recently opened up to Haute Living magazine to reveal his pricey daily routine. Some highlights:

10:30 AM: I moisturize with Crème de la Mer. [which retails for $150 an ounce.]

11 AM: I prepare an outfit with a fine luxurious blend of the best fabrics out there on the market today, a bespoke suit from Savile Row or Tom Ford. [Tom Ford suit are sold for around $5,000.]

11:45 AM: I choose an important shoe to go with the outfit. [Designer loafers from Neiman Marcus can be priced up to $2,350.]

Patek Philippe watches12 PM: My biggest choice of the day is the wristwatch. If the day is professional ... a Patek Philippe. If my day seems more relaxed I will just wear a Rolex. If I know I have an event to go to and I want to be a little flashy I will wear one of my completely flawless diamond Jacob and Co. watches. [A Patek Philippe watch can cost anywhere from $25K - $11 million!]

Rolls Royce Drophead Coupe12:30 PM: Another hard decision comes to hand: picking the right vehicle for the day. If it’s a nice day and the sun is out, I will take my Rolls Royce Drophead Convertible. If I’m in a sportier mood, I will take my 458 Ferrari. But if I’m just looking to lay back and enjoy my day, I will take my Bentley Mulsanne. [A 2013 Rolls Royce Phantom drophead coupe convertible will put you back nearly $500K, 458 Ferrari nearly $300K and the Bentley Mulsanne nearly $400K — that's $1,200,000!]

1-6 PM: Most of my work is done on the phone ... I’m sure a lot of people have no idea what it is that I do. The truth is I work in various industries. I have done a lot of private label manufacturing in the nutrition biz and have raised money for startup companies. I tend to invest money into nightlife businesses the friends of mine that are involved in nightclubs and what not.

Vic & Anthony's Steakhouse7 PM: I have dinner with my family. [A steak dinner at an L.A. hotspot like BOA, which Disick frequents, costs at least $40 — just for an entrée.]

10 PM: Every night I unwind by watching old reruns of “Seinfeld.” [Priceless.]

To read Disick's full daily itinerary, check out the Haute Living article here >

SEE ALSO: Young Scott Disick was a book cover model >

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Why We May Not Actually See The First New 'Star Wars' In 2015


j.j. abrams star wars

We may have to wait a bit longer to return to a galaxy far, far away. 

Though J.J. Abrams has signed on as director for the new "Star Wars," he hasn't committed to the 2015 release date.  

Lucasfilm head Kathleen Kennedy appeared to have confirmed this when she shared the film may not be ready by Disney's expected release date with The Hollywood Reporter 

"Our goal is to move as quickly as we can, and we'll see what happens," says Kennedy. "The timetable we care about is getting the story." 

This wouldn't be the first time one of Abram's films saw a delay. "Star Trek Into Darkness" was pushed back nearly a year from June 2012 a few times so the director could finish up work on his 2011 film with Steven Spielberg, "Super 8." 

With a demanding future film schedule, it's easy to see why "Star Wars" may take a while longer than expected.  

In the next year, Abrams has the following movies coming out: 

"Star Trek: Into Darkness"
"Believe" (TV Movie) 

After that, he's lined up to work on the next installment of "Mission: Impossible" (he produced 2011's "Ghost Protocol" which went on to become the highest-grossing of the franchise to date) and there's the inevitable next "Star Trek." 

Abrams doesn't only have film projects on his plate though. He also serves as executive producer on two television shows: CBS' "Person of Interest," and NBC's "Revolution." His third show, Fox's "Fringe" recently wrapped up its series finale. 

On top of that, Abram's has promised two fall pilots, the one being the much-anticipated "Avengers" TV spinoff "S.H.I.E.L.D" which would build upon the film's intelligence agency.

Abrams himself even voiced his concern regarding other obligations and the toll this will take on his family since the film will likely be shot outside of his Los Angeles home.  

star trek into darkness kirkUnless Abrams is the Man of Steel, something's going to have to give, even if it means a smaller role in the future of another franchise he originally breathed new life into: "Star Trek."  

Paramount Vice Chairman Rob Moore told the Los Angeles Times though Abrams will continue his future film projects with them, his specific role remains uncertain.  

“J.J. will continue to develop projects for us including a new ‘Mission: Impossible,’ and he is committed to produce another ‘Star Trek,’” said Moore. 

At the minimum, Moore said Abrams will return as producer for a third "Star Trek." 

SEE ALSO: J.J. Abrams is directing the new "Star Wars" >

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Kate Middleton's 'Near Perfect' Nose Is Inspiring Women To Have Plastic Surgery


kate middleton

Whatever dress she wears flies off the shelves and her hair is more talked about than "The Rachel" 'do of the 90s, but now Kate Middleton's nose is being coveted by women around the world.

According to the Daily Mail, requests in plastic surgeons' offices for Middleton's "near perfect" nose have tripled since 2011, when she wed Prince William.

"Her nose is straight with a cute, rounded tip and is perfectly in proportion to her face," plastic surgeon Maurizio Persico, who specializes in nose reshaping, tells the paper. "Plus, she always looks happy and confident in photos, which is especially appealing to women whose own appearance makes them unhappy."

Sarah Hattley, a 31-year-old who works for an insurance company in the U.K., told the Daily Mail she had rhinoplasty in 2011 specifically so she could look like the Duchess:

"I’ve admired Kate since she first got engaged to William. I’ve tried to copy her natural make-up and long, glossy hair style: she always looks so effortlessly groomed. But it was her perfect nose — narrow and petite, with a subtle upturn — that always caught my eye in pictures."

According to psychologist Carmen Lefevre, who studies facial attributes and behavior at the University of St. Andrews, "The symmetry of Kate's nose, the angle between her lip and the tip of her nose and the minimal amount of nostril on show, are all near-perfect."

SEE ALSO: Here's what Kate Middleton & Prince William are looking for in a new servant >

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How Jobs In The Media Industry Got Demolished In The Last 10 Years [Charts]


tv, video, studio, huffington post, office tour, november 2012, bi, dng

The internet has caused massive disruption across the media landscape, causing a surge in job insecurity at traditional establishments.

But now we have a good look at the numbers.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has put together a presentation on the recent history and direction of media jobs. It's not pretty.

Across several different industries (radio, TV, newspapers, film, etc.) there's been a steady downward march in employment.

Total media jobs peaked at the beginning of the decade.

Employment in the book/periodical/music industry has been on a steady downward trend, and in 2011 the bottom completely fell out of the industry.

Sound recording? Same deal.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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Jay-Z And Will Smith Are Producing An 'Annie' Remake For Sony


Will Smith Jay-ZWill Gluck is in negotiations to direct a new version of the Broadway musical "Annie," Sony Pictures said Wednesday. 

The story of the plucky little orphan who moves from the bread lines to riches was originally envisioned as a vehicle for Will Smith's daughter Willow, but she will no longer be involved in the project. Producers noted that she was nine years old when the development began on the project, but is now 12 years old and has since "grown out" of the role. Sony said it will soon begin casting the role of Annie. 

Gluck previously directed "Easy A" and "Friends with Benefits" for the studio.  He will revise the film’s screenplay, which was written by Emma Thompson and rewritten by Aline Brosh McKenna ("The Devil Wears Prada") and based on the stage play.

Instead of the Great Depression, which formed the backdrop of the Broadway play, the film will be set in the modern day. The studio is anticipating a late fall start and is eyeing a 2014 release date.

The film will be produced by James Lassiter, Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith through their Overbrook Entertainment banner, and by Shawn “JAY Z” Carter, Jay Brown, and Tyran “Ty Ty” Smith through Marcy Media.

Carter who previously refashioned "It's a Hard Knock Life" into an anthem of ghetto poverty, will re-imagine the Broadway score.

"Annie" was previously made into a 1982 movie starring Albert Finney as Daddy Warbucks, Carole Burnett as Miss Hannigan and, in her film debut, Aileen Quinn as Annie. Directed by John Huston ("The African Queen"), the film received mixed reviews and did not turn a profit during its theatrical run because of its big budget.          

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This American Idol Winner Customized His LA Mansion So Much No One Wanted It


david cook400Every dog has its day, like the old saying goes, but for singer David Cook and his dog, they’ve seen better ones.

When the American Idol idol was dropped by his record label last year, Cook pulled up stakes at his Los Angeles/Beachwood Canyon home, heading back to greener pastures in his home state of Missouri.

Cook’s 3-bedroom, 3-bath, 3,071-square-foot abode — with the sweet view of the Hollywood sign — should have demanded top dollar.

But to add insult to the injury of leaving Tinseltown, Cook was unable to sell the palatial pad for his $1.495 million asking price. Instead, he settled on a lesser, $1.399 million deal. What was the reason?

According to Realtor.com, the house boasted an open floor plan, wood flooring, skylights, a master suite with its own private floor, and a private recording studio.

Top dollar digs, for sure — Zillow.com even estimated Cook’s monthly mortgage loan payment at $4,863 (assuming 20% down on a 30-year FRM).

Some speculate that the lackluster sale was Cook’s overzealous over-customizing for his dog that dwindled interest and plummeted the price.

The spacious yard reserved for his dog was larger than three of most people’s real backyards, combined. Cook isn’t alone in the custom homes department — enthusiast pilot John Travolta’s got an airplane hangar attached to his home, and singer Beyonce sports a sparkle-encrusted bathtub.

The truth is, over-customizing lowers a home’s resale value. What one homeowner considers treasure is another’s trash. It doesn’t matter how affordable the carefully customized home renovations are; if they’re too difficult to maintain, don’t fit into buyers’ lifestyles, or are just plain tacky, making your home  too “niche” can discourage potential buyers.

Before you think about digging that 100-yard-long swimming pool flanked by gold columns, take a look at this list before going overboard on the over-customizing.

Custom Home Designs: When Too Much Really is Too Much

These “home improvements” are bona fide value killers and will not impress a real estate agent or anyone you hope to sell your home to.

1. Over-customized/generally tacky exteriors

There are exceptions, like turning your house into a billboard to help save it from foreclosure. Any other reason to paint your house neon green is out of character with your community and is just asking for its value knocked down a few hundred thousand dollars.

“This kind of house will be extremely difficult to sell because potential home buyers won’t be willing to spend the time and money to redecorate it to their liking,” says Credit Sesame.

If you must go against the neighborhood grain, stay with safer, neutral paint colors and tasteful add-ons that hold more general appeal to buyers.

2. Wall-to-wall carpeting

In the 1970s, a house full of lush, cut-pile shag carpeting may have worked wonders for a home’s value and appeal. In 2013, it can bring your home’s resale value down. Why? According to both Credit Sesame and Jean Folger of Investopedia, carpeting is expensive to purchase, install and maintain.

(If you have kids, think of all the spilled messes to clean; for pets, all the trapped allergens.) Plus, like your house’s paint job, the design and color of your interior carpeting makes a big difference in how appealing, and valuable, your home is (or isn’t).

Carpeting is not a floor’s enemy, mind you — so if you do prefer it, decorate with a mix of carpet, hardwood floors and tiles. Area rugs also work well for the budget conscious.

3. Niche rooms and big-ticket upgrades

We’ve seen them in plenty of houses before: that state-of-the-art, high-tech home theater. In the next room, the most antiquated kitchen or bathroom this side of the 19th century. Custom home designs, by and large, work best when they’re carried out altogether, or not at all.

“High-quality upgrades generally increase the value of high-end homes,” notes Folger, “but not necessarily mid-range houses, where the upgrade may be inconsistent with the rest of the home.”

And what guy wouldn’t like to have his own man cave? If it means dropping the value of your home, you might want to reconsider. Here’s the consumer rationale:

  • Invest money into a high-end add-on, like a wine cellar, basketball court or rock climbing room.
  • Watch your home’s value grow from said investment.

Expensive add-ons don’t class up a middle-class home and give it little to no new value. “Even if you upgrade a house to a value of $400,000 in a $250,000 neighborhood,” says Credit Sesame, “potential home buyers probably will not be willing to pay substantially more than the most expensive house in the neighborhood. The house will continue to seem overpriced, even if it appears to be more desirable than other homes in the area.”

4. Swimming pools

Location makes a difference with a pool. What demands value in California, Arizona or Florida calls for less in Montana, for example. Swimming pools may not seem like a big home value liability, but they are: home renovation costs to install an in-ground pool is $10,000, says Credit Sesame; maintenance costs average $1,500 annually.

They can also be a safety hazard for homeowners with small children: “Many potential home buyers view swimming pools as dangerous, expensive to maintain and a lawsuit waiting to happen,” says Investopedia.

5. “Invisible” renovations

“Invisible improvements are those costly projects that you know make your house a better place to live in, but that nobody else would notice — or likely care about,” Folger explains.

Necessities like new central heating, air conditioning, or plumbing may seem like a good idea — or even be mandatory — but they don’t mean squat when it comes time to sell your home.

The unfortunate reason is that home shoppers don’t consider these items luxuries, or even amenities — they’re just regular pieces of a home they won’t consider paying extra cash for. “It may be better,” notes Investopedia, “to think of these improvements in terms of regular maintenance, and not an investment in your home’s value.”

When Home Improvements Go Right

According to Zillow, homes in the Pacific U.S. — Alaska, Hawaii, California, Oregon and Washington — have the highest average cost-value ratio in the U.S., at 71.3%, because the high costs to remodel on the West Coast is balanced out by high resale values.

In findings from the National Association of Realtors and Remodeling, Zillow reports that seven of the top 10 most cost-effective home renovations are exterior home improvements. Fiber-cement siding replacement, the report showed, holds the most return value, with 78% of costs recovered at resale.

Steel entry door replacement — the cheapest on the list at $1,200 — retains 73% of its value, and low-end kitchen remodels, at $20,000, hold over 72% of their value at home resale, too.

So if splurging on custom built homes is a bit out of your wallet’s price league, don’t go to the other extreme and pay for renovations that lose your house money when it comes time to sell. You may be stuck with them  and the mortgage forever, fulfilling another old adage:

“Be careful what over-customized add-ons you wish for; you might just get them.”

SEE ALSO: The 20 most expensive cities for luxury rentals >

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Disney Finally Put Its Oscar-Nominated Short 'Paperman' Online


If you didn't get a chance to see Disney's Oscar-nominated animated short "Paperman" in front of "Wreck-It Ralph" last fall, you're in luck. 

Disney Animation has uploaded the six-and-a-half minute black-and-white love story to YouTube ahead of the Awards ceremony.  

The clip is reminiscent of Pixar magic, employing a silent technique used in the beginning of films "Up" and "Wall-E." 

SEE ALSO: Why Disney's "Star Wars" may not come out in 2015 >

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