Last night, the third "Dark Knight Rises" trailer hit the web after a massive viral marketing campaign was unleashed earlier in the day.
Warner Bros. asked fans to collect graffiti tags scattered across the world to reveal frames from the new trailer. What probably should have taken days was finished last night, and the unlocked trailer left us stunned.
We don't see Batman until nearly the 1:30 mark, and it doesn't even feel strange. It's an exciting rush of adrenaline to the bloodstream.
So much gets revealed regarding characters and plot points in the nearly 2:30 minute trailer. Pair this with info learned from yesterday's viral campaign and its a doozy to process. Thankfully, we've broken it down for your viewing pleasure.
We knew the summer blockbuster was going to be epic, but is it possible that the film may be better than its predecessor, "The Dark Knight"? We hope so.
One thing's for sure. There's a storm coming and we're looking forward to it.
Haven't seen the trailer yet? Watch it here.
In case there was any doubt, Harvey Dent is indeed dead.

Back in November, an image of Bane holding a photo of Harvey Dent surfaced online, dispelling any thoughts that the villainous Two-Face may have survived his fall at the end of the last film.
As recently as late last year, some fans were still suggesting Harvey Dent's Two-Face may still be alive. We get it, we thought he may have survived the fall, too. (After all, his coin did land heads up, and, we all know, the bad guy never really dies. Look at Ra's al Ghul.)
Either way, the viral campaign put all rumors to rest yesterday with an announcement of "Harvey Dent Day," a day to celebrate Gotham's fallen hero.
With that in mind, Batman is a wanted criminal.

According to documents released on yesterday, Batman's wanted for first degree murder of Dent, kidnapping the Gordon family, resisting arrest, aggravated assault of a peace office (15 counts) and criminal possession of a weapon. (Does the batarang count as a weapon? Perhaps, the grappling hook. On second thought, it's probably the guns in the now non-existant batpod.)
Got all of that? Good. Onto the trailer!
Christopher Nolan taps his inner Michael Bay.

A lot of Gotham will be blown to bits in "The Dark Knight Rises."
It's no surprise we see two bridges begin to collapse simultaneously.
In December, a few people received bits of viral marketing with Bane's elaborate five-strike zone plan of attack on Gotham. One of the targets on his list? You got it—bridges.
See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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