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Mad Men Highlights: Gut Reactions To Pete Getting Punched In The Gut


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Every Monday, Business Insider Advertising does a recap of the week's latest episode of "Mad Men." While the full recap is on its way, here are some of the highlights from episode five, titled "Studio 30," to get you through the night.

- The world rejoices when Pete Campbell finally gets the ass kicking he so desperately deserves, surprisingly at the knuckles of Lane (whom Pete calls obsolete and homosexual). Looking more and more like a less endearing version of Stewie from "Family Guy" (blame the weight gain, hair loss, and endless stream of pomposity), Pete has easily become one of the show's most dislikable characters. Apart from the expected obnoxious comments to Roger, Peter, and even Don, here's why Pete deserved a whooping in this episode:

  • Pete is in Driver's Ed, ostensibly so that he can drive home after the last train leaves Manhattan for the 'burbs and spend less time with Trudy and his baby.
  • While at Driver's Ed, Pete is trying to have sex with a high school student. It's exactly as creepy as it sounds.
  • Pete finally does cheat on Trudy with a hooker who calls him her "King."

-Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce loses the Jaguar account in the best way ever, following Don, Roger, and Pete's raucous night on the town (code for night in a high class whore house) with the company's jolly English SVP, Edwin. Why did they lose the account, which was a sure thing, you may well ask? Edwin's wife caught him with "chewing gum in his pubics." If you have to go down, that's a hell of a way to do it.

-Joan's back in the office. Her reward for brightening the lives of the men of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce? A big, fat, nonconsensual kiss from Lane when she brings him an ice pack for his bloodied, Pete punching, knuckles. The queen of office etiquette responds by getting up, quietly opening Lane's office door, and continuing to comfort him.

-Ken Cosgrove is still secretly writing … sci-fi. His nom de plume is Ben Hargrove, and he is actively being pursued by Farrar Straus for a collection of short stories. The looks on the Drapers' and Campbells' faces when Cosgrove's wife describes the plot of one of his stories, starring a robot, are priceless.

-Apparently Ken and Peggy have a pact that if one goes to another agency, the other will go with. Maybe it was the long hiatus, but who remembered they were friends?

-The dinner party had fantastic moments. One was Don's atrocious, plaid sports coat. Another was when he stripped off said sports coat and button down to get down and dirty and fix a broken faucet turned geyser. Megan could hardly contain herself, and the couple had sex halfway through the drive back into the city (after Don proclaims, "Let's make a baby.")

-Almost every sentence out of Roger's mouth is gold.

Check back Monday morning for the full recap. 

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