Jennifer Lopez stormed the stage to save American Idol contestant Jessica Sanchez from elimination last night.
Executive producer of "The Blair Witch Project," Kevin P. Foxe, filed for bankruptcy. According to TMZ, Foxe has $132,000 in debt and $900 to his name. (FYI, the film made $248 million worldwide.)
"Hunger Games" star Liam Hemsworth already has sights on his next film, landing the lead in thriller, "Paranoia" with Gary Oldman and Harrison Ford as potential co-stars.
Despite media rumors, Morgan Freeman he is not, nor has he ever been in a relationship with his granddaughter. Come now, people.
- NBC pulls part of a gay joke featuring John Stamos from an ad for last night's episode of "The Office." The previous spot was airing for the majority of the past week.
- Hollywood screenwriter Joe Eszterhas now says he has a tape proving Mel Gibson's anti-Semitism. This comes after the actor called Eszterhas' anti-Semitic claims false.
- Fans are gearing up for Coachella—the three-day music festival—this morning in California. For the first time since its launch, the event will take place for two consecutive weekends.
- Guess she couldn't stay out of the public eye for long. Lady Gaga tweeted that pop singers don't eat, starting a firestorm of backlash at the singer.
- Get ready for Julian Assange, the mastermind behind WikiLeaks, to come to television … in Russia at least for now. And, yes, it will be leaked online.
- You better beliebe it. Justin Bieber collaborated with Taylor Swift for a song on his third album.
- Longtime executive, Steve Molen, resigned from DreamWorks over money issues with the company suggesting layoffs may be on the horizon.
- And, Obama still believes Kanye West is a jerk, a talented one, but a jerk nonetheless.
Now, check out 17 weird celebrity side-businesses>
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See Also:
- 'Hunger Games' Josh Hutcherson Says The Drinking Age Should Be Lowered—Here's Today's Buzz
- Biggest Celebrity Side Business FAILS
- 'Hunger Games' Director Gary Ross Is NOT Returning For Sequel