Companies spend billions each year to get young consumers on board with their brands.
Some are purely marketed towards children and will be abandoned once the kids get older. Others try to gain valuable lifelong customers by getting them hooked early.
So which brands do kids cherish the most?
Harris Interactive recently released the results of its Youth EquiTrend study, which determines which brands "spark the strongest recognition and loyalty" in the youth market (defined as 8-24 year olds, though age ranges vary per category).
#11 Kit Kat

Score: 78.90
Category: Sweet treats
Category rank: #4
#10 Hershey Kisses

Score: 80.29
Category: Sweet treats
Category rank: #3
#9 Reeses Peanut Butter Cups

Score: 80.32
Category: Sweet treats
Category rank: #2
See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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See Also:
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- Wharton Is Rebranding Itself Around A Single Word
- Hidden Valley Wants You To Replace Ketchup With Ranch Dressing