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Here's What Worked (And Didn't) In Ridley Scott's 'Prometheus'



Without giving too much away (we promise not to spoil anything), "Prometheus" is philosophical, beautiful, and utterly disgusting.

If you couldn't handle the alien popping out of John Hurt's chest in the original, just skip this.

Oh, and don't listen to what all involved claimed, because it's totally a prequel. Those unfamiliar with the "Alien" universe will still enjoy all of the striking visuals and action sequences, but there is a lot of mythology that will go unnoticed.

Want to know more?

Click below to see what worked and what didn't in Ridley Scott's new science fiction blockbuster.

Good. Then Bad: The Opening Scene

The opening scene of the film is spectacular on its own, and sets an ominous tone for the next two hours, but it doesn't really fit into the rest of the film.

It's hard to go into detail without giving anything away. There is a definitive answer, but it's hard to understand until thinking back to it after the credits roll (I won't post it here, but check the Wikipedia page for a possible explanation).

Good: Cinematography

Anyone who's seen one of the dozens of trailers, TV spots, and featurettes knows how visually striking this movie is. Aside from solid special effects, the lush landscapes and detailed sets bring the film to life. It's a shame Scott didn't shoot with an IMAX camera.

Filming on location leads to great cinematography that green screens can never fully capture. Cinematographer Dariusz Wolski previously worked on all four "Pirates of the Caribbean" films, but this may be his crowning achievement.

This also may be the rare occasion where it's worth shelling out the extra cash for 3-D, which adds more depth to the already spectacular scenes. 

Bad: Noomi Rapace Isn't Ripley

It's almost unfair to compare lead Noomi Rapace's Elizabeth Shaw to Sigourney Weaver's Ripley in the original, but Rapace was on the other side of this conversation six months ago with "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo," so fair is fair.

Ripley is a complete badass, possibly the toughest heroine in cinematic history. It's understandable that all involved wouldn't want to try to mimic that character, but they didn't need to make Shaw seem like nothing more than the lead in a generic horror movie. Rapace has her badass moments as well (which I won't spoil here), but she's no Weaver. One also can't help but wonder what Charlize Theron could have done with the role instead.

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