I just got back from watching "Fifty Shades of Grey"— the movie based on the hugely popular erotic novel about the BDSM relationship between 27-year-old Seattle billionaire Christian Grey and his college-student partner, Anastasia Steele.
And I'm really bothered by a glaring tech error in the film.
There's a scene in which Steele is in Georgia visiting her mom and stepdad. One night she begins texting Grey from her flip phone.
It appears that Grey is texting Steele from an iPhone 5S. The scene shows Grey's texts to Steele in a blue bubble. But this is so wrong.
The texts should appear in a green bubble because Steele is a non-iPhone user. The texts would appear in a blue bubble only if both participants were using iMessage, which is not the case because Steele has a cheap flip phone.
Also, the fact that Steele uses a flip phone is just ridiculous. In the movie, Grey bought her a new car to replace her old-school Volkswagen Beetle. He also gave her a MacBook to do "research" on BDSM. You would think that he would also update her phone situation.
We're not alone in being taken aback by the flip phone. People were going nuts about it on Twitter:
Here's everything you need to know about 50 Shades of Grey...Anastasia Steele has a flip phone
— Sadie Gennis (@sadiegennis) February 11, 2015
Can someone please tell me why Anatasia Steele is using a flip phone in #50shadesofgray ? What is this 2005?
— Melanie Moon (@Moon_Melanie) February 13, 2015
The most disturbing part of 50 Shades of Grey is Anastasia Steele's flip phone
— Jesse Light (@JessayLightt) February 13, 2015
Anastasia Steele using a flip phone in 50 Shades of Grey is about as bad as the fake baby in American Sniper.
— Angie Liti (@angie_liti) February 13, 2015
I was this close to walking out of the movie theatér because Anastasia Steele's flip phone #FSOG
— Michael (@mzaxg) February 13, 2015
The secret to Anastasia Steele's allure? She uses a flip phone.
— heather schwedel (@heathertwit) February 15, 2015
How did Anastasia Steele have iMessage with her old flip phone? #FiftyShadesOfGrey
— OH BERNIE! (@missbernadette) February 15, 2015
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NOW WATCH: Learn what all the fuss is about — here's the regular guy's guide to 'Fifty Shades of Grey'